

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel a7b1d6c0 2021-11-29T17:34:29 fix etc git auth
Thomas de Grivel edf1fbc9 2021-11-29T16:10:28 /etc/git/auth.conf
Thomas de Grivel 04b5f55d 2021-11-28T14:21:53 various fixes
Thomas de Grivel c09a611a 2021-11-26T18:21:37 readme
Thomas de Grivel 4ef916c6 2021-11-24T21:08:00 ssh keys
Thomas de Grivel 091232c7 2021-11-24T17:17:36 fix repository
Thomas de Grivel 2f079444 2021-11-24T16:38:41 file and directory and branch traversal