

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 843d8c24 2023-02-15T17:29:23 update sass and esbuild
Thomas de Grivel db070f6d 2022-07-10T16:20:57 update dev password
Thomas de Grivel f73a80d7 2022-04-05T16:17:49 sass and esbuild config for dev only
Thomas de Grivel 82e7d95f 2022-04-03T11:07:26 various fixes
Thomas de Grivel fc904da0 2022-02-01T17:36:19 oneliner
Thomas de Grivel b9685d62 2022-01-13T21:04:24 fix esbuild and sass, show colored diff in commit show
Thomas de Grivel 48bc8767 2021-11-18T10:26:26 user organisations + new org
Thomas de Grivel bb810201 2021-11-16T17:03:44 ssh keys
Thomas de Grivel 043fd38d 2021-11-02T16:10:03 kmx git