


Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 4d8f6ed5 2022-11-02T18:24:08 licence
Thomas de Grivel 5af3e82a 2022-11-02T17:38:47 make
Thomas de Grivel 72c67494 2022-08-09T11:48:23 ISC License
tokyovania 1e30f33a 2022-07-05T15:23:26 Fixed many libgit2 free function calls. Added configure for supporting Linux. Tested on PopOS 22.04 and Fedora 32. Instrumented erl_nif.h . Debugged using valgrind and ASan. @author Jean-Cyprien Roux @author Baptiste Le Glaunec ok thodg@kmx.io