Commit 8e76a978f60cdb5a9c8b5ca3003110682ba7dc9f

Michael Schmidt 2020-11-28T23:23:46

Shell-session: Fixed false positives because of links in command output (#2649)

diff --git a/components/prism-shell-session.js b/components/prism-shell-session.js
index ce0b2fe..d3d07af 100644
--- a/components/prism-shell-session.js
+++ b/components/prism-shell-session.js
@@ -14,24 +14,24 @@
 	Prism.languages['shell-session'] = {
-		'info': {
-			// foo@bar:~/files$ exit
-			// foo@bar$ exit
-			pattern: /^[^\r\n$#*!]+(?=[$#])/m,
-			alias: 'punctuation',
-			inside: {
-				'path': {
-					pattern: /(:)[\s\S]+/,
-					lookbehind: true
-				},
-				'user': /^[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+@[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+(?=:|$)/,
-				'punctuation': /:/
-			}
-		},
 		'command': {
-			pattern: RegExp(/[$#](?:[^\\\r\n'"<]|\\.|<<str>>)+/.source.replace(/<<str>>/g, function () { return strings; })),
+			pattern: RegExp(/^(?:[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+@[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+(?::[^\0-\x1F$#*?"<>:;|]+)?)?[$#](?:[^\\\r\n'"<]|\\.|<<str>>)+/.source.replace(/<<str>>/g, function () { return strings; }), 'm'),
 			greedy: true,
 			inside: {
+				'info': {
+					// foo@bar:~/files$ exit
+					// foo@bar$ exit
+					pattern: /^[^#$]+/,
+					alias: 'punctuation',
+					inside: {
+						'path': {
+							pattern: /(:)[\s\S]+/,
+							lookbehind: true
+						},
+						'user': /^[^:]+/,
+						'punctuation': /:/
+					}
+				},
 				'bash': {
 					pattern: /(^[$#]\s*)[\s\S]+/,
 					lookbehind: true,
diff --git a/components/prism-shell-session.min.js b/components/prism-shell-session.min.js
index f066a64..86fc617 100644
--- a/components/prism-shell-session.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-shell-session.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-!function(s){var n=["([\"'])(?:\\\\[^]|\\$\\([^)]+\\)|\\$(?!\\()|`[^`]+`|(?!\\1)[^\\\\`$])*\\1","<<-?\\s*([\"']?)(\\w+)\\2\\s[^]*?[\r\n]\\3"].join("|");s.languages["shell-session"]={info:{pattern:/^[^\r\n$#*!]+(?=[$#])/m,alias:"punctuation",inside:{path:{pattern:/(:)[\s\S]+/,lookbehind:!0},user:/^[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+@[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+(?=:|$)/,punctuation:/:/}},command:{pattern:RegExp("[$#](?:[^\\\\\r\n'\"<]|\\\\.|<<str>>)+".replace(/<<str>>/g,function(){return n})),greedy:!0,inside:{bash:{pattern:/(^[$#]\s*)[\s\S]+/,lookbehind:!0,alias:"language-bash",inside:s.languages.bash},"shell-symbol":{pattern:/^[$#]/,alias:"important"}}},output:/.(?:.*(?:[\r\n]|.$))*/},s.languages["sh-session"]=s.languages.shellsession=s.languages["shell-session"]}(Prism);
\ No newline at end of file
+!function(s){var n=["([\"'])(?:\\\\[^]|\\$\\([^)]+\\)|\\$(?!\\()|`[^`]+`|(?!\\1)[^\\\\`$])*\\1","<<-?\\s*([\"']?)(\\w+)\\2\\s[^]*?[\r\n]\\3"].join("|");s.languages["shell-session"]={command:{pattern:RegExp('^(?:[^\\s@:$#*!/\\\\]+@[^\\s@:$#*!/\\\\]+(?::[^\0-\\x1F$#*?"<>:;|]+)?)?[$#](?:[^\\\\\r\n\'"<]|\\\\.|<<str>>)+'.replace(/<<str>>/g,function(){return n}),"m"),greedy:!0,inside:{info:{pattern:/^[^#$]+/,alias:"punctuation",inside:{path:{pattern:/(:)[\s\S]+/,lookbehind:!0},user:/^[^:]+/,punctuation:/:/}},bash:{pattern:/(^[$#]\s*)[\s\S]+/,lookbehind:!0,alias:"language-bash",inside:s.languages.bash},"shell-symbol":{pattern:/^[$#]/,alias:"important"}}},output:/.(?:.*(?:[\r\n]|.$))*/},s.languages["sh-session"]=s.languages.shellsession=s.languages["shell-session"]}(Prism);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/shell-session/info_feature.test b/tests/languages/shell-session/info_feature.test
index 446c8b3..fbb6e4b 100644
--- a/tests/languages/shell-session/info_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/shell-session/info_feature.test
@@ -9,25 +9,24 @@ foo@bar$ exit
-	["info", [
-		["user", "foo@bar"],
-		["punctuation", ":"],
-		["path", "/var/local"]
-	]],
 	["command", [
+		["info", [
+			["user", "foo@bar"],
+			["punctuation", ":"],
+			["path", "/var/local"]
+		]],
 		["shell-symbol", "$"],
 		["bash", [
 			["builtin", "cd"],
 			" ~"
-	["info", [
-		["user", "foo@bar"],
-		["punctuation", ":"],
-		["path", "~"]
-	]],
 	["command", [
+		["info", [
+			["user", "foo@bar"],
+			["punctuation", ":"],
+			["path", "~"]
+		]],
 		["shell-symbol", "$"],
 		["bash", [
 			["function", "sudo"],
@@ -35,13 +34,12 @@ foo@bar$ exit
 	["output", "[sudo] password for foo:\r\n"],
-	["info", [
-		["user", "root@bar"],
-		["punctuation", ":"],
-		["path", "~"]
-	]],
 	["command", [
+		["info", [
+			["user", "root@bar"],
+			["punctuation", ":"],
+			["path", "~"]
+		]],
 		["shell-symbol", "#"],
 		["bash", [
 			["builtin", "echo"],
@@ -51,11 +49,10 @@ foo@bar$ exit
 	["output", "hello!\r\n\r\n"],
-	["info", [
-		["user", "foo@bar"]
-	]],
 	["command", [
+		["info", [
+			["user", "foo@bar"]
+		]],
 		["shell-symbol", "$"],
 		["bash", [
 			["builtin", "exit"]
@@ -65,4 +62,4 @@ foo@bar$ exit
-Checks for the info bash outputs.
+Checks for the info bash outputs.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/shell-session/issue2644.test b/tests/languages/shell-session/issue2644.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff2c2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/shell-session/issue2644.test
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$ export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
+$ export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg"
+$ borg init --encryption=keyfile-blake2 "borg@"
+By default repositories initialized with this version will produce security
+errors if written to with an older version (up to and including Borg 1.0.8).
+If you want to use these older versions, you can disable the check by running:
+borg upgrade --disable-tam ssh://borg@
+See for details about the security implications.
+IMPORTANT: you will need both KEY AND PASSPHRASE to access this repo!
+Use "borg key export" to export the key, optionally in printable format.
+Write down the passphrase. Store both at safe place(s).
+	["command", [
+		["shell-symbol", "$"],
+		["bash", [
+			["builtin", "export"],
+			["assign-left", [
+			]],
+			["operator", [
+				"="
+			]],
+			["string", [
+				"\"security find-generic-password -a ",
+				["environment", "$USER"],
+				" -s borg-passphrase -w\""
+			]]
+		]]
+	]],
+	["command", [
+		["shell-symbol", "$"],
+		["bash", [
+			["builtin", "export"],
+			["assign-left", [
+				"BORG_RSH"
+			]],
+			["operator", [
+				"="
+			]],
+			["string", [
+				"\"ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg\""
+			]]
+		]]
+	]],
+	["command", [
+		["shell-symbol", "$"],
+		["bash", [
+			"borg init --encryption",
+			["operator", [
+				"="
+			]],
+			"keyfile-blake2 ",
+			["string", [
+				"\"borg@\""
+			]]
+		]]
+	]],
+	["output", "By default repositories initialized with this version will produce security\nerrors if written to with an older version (up to and including Borg 1.0.8).\n\nIf you want to use these older versions, you can disable the check by running:\nborg upgrade --disable-tam ssh://borg@\n\nSee for details about the security implications.\n\nIMPORTANT: you will need both KEY AND PASSPHRASE to access this repo!\nUse \"borg key export\" to export the key, optionally in printable format.\nWrite down the passphrase. Store both at safe place(s).\n\n---"]
\ No newline at end of file