Commit 929c33e0e0319a266bbf5e9d115d2348b1b83da1

Michael Schmidt 2021-11-22T13:02:28

Asm6502: Use standard tokens and minor improvements (#3184)

diff --git a/components/prism-asm6502.js b/components/prism-asm6502.js
index 6ac8382..2ff6583 100644
--- a/components/prism-asm6502.js
+++ b/components/prism-asm6502.js
@@ -2,27 +2,28 @@ Prism.languages.asm6502 = {
 	'comment': /;.*/,
 	'directive': {
 		pattern: /\.\w+(?= )/,
-		alias: 'keyword'
+		alias: 'property'
 	'string': /(["'`])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/,
-	'opcode': {
+	'op-code': {
 		pattern: /\b(?:ADC|AND|ASL|BCC|BCS|BEQ|BIT|BMI|BNE|BPL|BRK|BVC|BVS|CLC|CLD|CLI|CLV|CMP|CPX|CPY|DEC|DEX|DEY|EOR|INC|INX|INY|JMP|JSR|LDA|LDX|LDY|LSR|NOP|ORA|PHA|PHP|PLA|PLP|ROL|ROR|RTI|RTS|SBC|SEC|SED|SEI|STA|STX|STY|TAX|TAY|TSX|TXA|TXS|TYA|adc|and|asl|bcc|bcs|beq|bit|bmi|bne|bpl|brk|bvc|bvs|clc|cld|cli|clv|cmp|cpx|cpy|dec|dex|dey|eor|inc|inx|iny|jmp|jsr|lda|ldx|ldy|lsr|nop|ora|pha|php|pla|plp|rol|ror|rti|rts|sbc|sec|sed|sei|sta|stx|sty|tax|tay|tsx|txa|txs|tya)\b/,
-		alias: 'property'
+		alias: 'keyword'
-	'hexnumber': {
-		pattern: /#?\$[\da-f]{2,4}\b/i,
-		alias: 'string'
+	'hex-number': {
+		pattern: /#?\$[\da-f]{1,4}\b/i,
+		alias: 'number'
-	'binarynumber': {
+	'binary-number': {
 		pattern: /#?%[01]+\b/,
-		alias: 'string'
+		alias: 'number'
-	'decimalnumber': {
+	'decimal-number': {
 		pattern: /#?\b\d+\b/,
-		alias: 'string'
+		alias: 'number'
 	'register': {
 		pattern: /\b[xya]\b/i,
 		alias: 'variable'
-	}
+	},
+	'punctuation': /[(),:]/
diff --git a/components/prism-asm6502.min.js b/components/prism-asm6502.min.js
index 7f0189a..255cdc1 100644
--- a/components/prism-asm6502.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-asm6502.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Prism.languages.asm6502={comment:/;.*/,directive:{pattern:/\.\w+(?= )/,alias:"keyword"},string:/(["'`])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/,opcode:{pattern:/\b(?:ADC|AND|ASL|BCC|BCS|BEQ|BIT|BMI|BNE|BPL|BRK|BVC|BVS|CLC|CLD|CLI|CLV|CMP|CPX|CPY|DEC|DEX|DEY|EOR|INC|INX|INY|JMP|JSR|LDA|LDX|LDY|LSR|NOP|ORA|PHA|PHP|PLA|PLP|ROL|ROR|RTI|RTS|SBC|SEC|SED|SEI|STA|STX|STY|TAX|TAY|TSX|TXA|TXS|TYA|adc|and|asl|bcc|bcs|beq|bit|bmi|bne|bpl|brk|bvc|bvs|clc|cld|cli|clv|cmp|cpx|cpy|dec|dex|dey|eor|inc|inx|iny|jmp|jsr|lda|ldx|ldy|lsr|nop|ora|pha|php|pla|plp|rol|ror|rti|rts|sbc|sec|sed|sei|sta|stx|sty|tax|tay|tsx|txa|txs|tya)\b/,alias:"property"},hexnumber:{pattern:/#?\$[\da-f]{2,4}\b/i,alias:"string"},binarynumber:{pattern:/#?%[01]+\b/,alias:"string"},decimalnumber:{pattern:/#?\b\d+\b/,alias:"string"},register:{pattern:/\b[xya]\b/i,alias:"variable"}};
\ No newline at end of file
+Prism.languages.asm6502={comment:/;.*/,directive:{pattern:/\.\w+(?= )/,alias:"property"},string:/(["'`])(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/,"op-code":{pattern:/\b(?:ADC|AND|ASL|BCC|BCS|BEQ|BIT|BMI|BNE|BPL|BRK|BVC|BVS|CLC|CLD|CLI|CLV|CMP|CPX|CPY|DEC|DEX|DEY|EOR|INC|INX|INY|JMP|JSR|LDA|LDX|LDY|LSR|NOP|ORA|PHA|PHP|PLA|PLP|ROL|ROR|RTI|RTS|SBC|SEC|SED|SEI|STA|STX|STY|TAX|TAY|TSX|TXA|TXS|TYA|adc|and|asl|bcc|bcs|beq|bit|bmi|bne|bpl|brk|bvc|bvs|clc|cld|cli|clv|cmp|cpx|cpy|dec|dex|dey|eor|inc|inx|iny|jmp|jsr|lda|ldx|ldy|lsr|nop|ora|pha|php|pla|plp|rol|ror|rti|rts|sbc|sec|sed|sei|sta|stx|sty|tax|tay|tsx|txa|txs|tya)\b/,alias:"keyword"},"hex-number":{pattern:/#?\$[\da-f]{1,4}\b/i,alias:"number"},"binary-number":{pattern:/#?%[01]+\b/,alias:"number"},"decimal-number":{pattern:/#?\b\d+\b/,alias:"number"},register:{pattern:/\b[xya]\b/i,alias:"variable"},punctuation:/[(),:]/};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/asm6502/number_feature.test b/tests/languages/asm6502/number_feature.test
index 55262f6..7b5fd3b 100644
--- a/tests/languages/asm6502/number_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/asm6502/number_feature.test
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
 LDA #127
 STA $8000
+STA #$1
 LDX #%10001010
-  ["opcode", "LDA"],
-  ["decimalnumber", "#127"],
-  ["opcode", "STA"],
-  ["hexnumber", "$8000"],
-  ["opcode", "LDX"],
-  ["binarynumber", "#%10001010"]
+	["op-code", "LDA"], ["decimal-number", "#127"],
+	["op-code", "STA"], ["hex-number", "$8000"],
+	["op-code", "STA"], ["hex-number", "#$1"],
+	["op-code", "LDX"], ["binary-number", "#%10001010"]
 Check for numbers
diff --git a/tests/languages/asm6502/opcode_feature.test b/tests/languages/asm6502/opcode_feature.test
index 8410fd2..178d017 100644
--- a/tests/languages/asm6502/opcode_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/asm6502/opcode_feature.test
@@ -114,118 +114,118 @@ TYA
-	["opcode", "adc"],
-	["opcode", "and"],
-	["opcode", "asl"],
-	["opcode", "bcc"],
-	["opcode", "bcs"],
-	["opcode", "beq"],
-	["opcode", "bit"],
-	["opcode", "bmi"],
-	["opcode", "bne"],
-	["opcode", "bpl"],
-	["opcode", "brk"],
-	["opcode", "bvc"],
-	["opcode", "bvs"],
-	["opcode", "clc"],
-	["opcode", "cld"],
-	["opcode", "cli"],
-	["opcode", "clv"],
-	["opcode", "cmp"],
-	["opcode", "cpx"],
-	["opcode", "cpy"],
-	["opcode", "dec"],
-	["opcode", "dex"],
-	["opcode", "dey"],
-	["opcode", "eor"],
-	["opcode", "inc"],
-	["opcode", "inx"],
-	["opcode", "iny"],
-	["opcode", "jmp"],
-	["opcode", "jsr"],
-	["opcode", "lda"],
-	["opcode", "ldx"],
-	["opcode", "ldy"],
-	["opcode", "lsr"],
-	["opcode", "nop"],
-	["opcode", "ora"],
-	["opcode", "pha"],
-	["opcode", "php"],
-	["opcode", "pla"],
-	["opcode", "plp"],
-	["opcode", "rol"],
-	["opcode", "ror"],
-	["opcode", "rti"],
-	["opcode", "rts"],
-	["opcode", "sbc"],
-	["opcode", "sec"],
-	["opcode", "sed"],
-	["opcode", "sei"],
-	["opcode", "sta"],
-	["opcode", "stx"],
-	["opcode", "sty"],
-	["opcode", "tax"],
-	["opcode", "tay"],
-	["opcode", "tsx"],
-	["opcode", "txa"],
-	["opcode", "txs"],
-	["opcode", "tya"],
-	["opcode", "ADC"],
-	["opcode", "AND"],
-	["opcode", "ASL"],
-	["opcode", "BCC"],
-	["opcode", "BCS"],
-	["opcode", "BEQ"],
-	["opcode", "BIT"],
-	["opcode", "BMI"],
-	["opcode", "BNE"],
-	["opcode", "BPL"],
-	["opcode", "BRK"],
-	["opcode", "BVC"],
-	["opcode", "BVS"],
-	["opcode", "CLC"],
-	["opcode", "CLD"],
-	["opcode", "CLI"],
-	["opcode", "CLV"],
-	["opcode", "CMP"],
-	["opcode", "CPX"],
-	["opcode", "CPY"],
-	["opcode", "DEC"],
-	["opcode", "DEX"],
-	["opcode", "DEY"],
-	["opcode", "EOR"],
-	["opcode", "INC"],
-	["opcode", "INX"],
-	["opcode", "INY"],
-	["opcode", "JMP"],
-	["opcode", "JSR"],
-	["opcode", "LDA"],
-	["opcode", "LDX"],
-	["opcode", "LDY"],
-	["opcode", "LSR"],
-	["opcode", "NOP"],
-	["opcode", "ORA"],
-	["opcode", "PHA"],
-	["opcode", "PHP"],
-	["opcode", "PLA"],
-	["opcode", "PLP"],
-	["opcode", "ROL"],
-	["opcode", "ROR"],
-	["opcode", "RTI"],
-	["opcode", "RTS"],
-	["opcode", "SBC"],
-	["opcode", "SEC"],
-	["opcode", "SED"],
-	["opcode", "SEI"],
-	["opcode", "STA"],
-	["opcode", "STX"],
-	["opcode", "STY"],
-	["opcode", "TAX"],
-	["opcode", "TAY"],
-	["opcode", "TSX"],
-	["opcode", "TXA"],
-	["opcode", "TXS"],
-	["opcode", "TYA"]
+	["op-code", "adc"],
+	["op-code", "and"],
+	["op-code", "asl"],
+	["op-code", "bcc"],
+	["op-code", "bcs"],
+	["op-code", "beq"],
+	["op-code", "bit"],
+	["op-code", "bmi"],
+	["op-code", "bne"],
+	["op-code", "bpl"],
+	["op-code", "brk"],
+	["op-code", "bvc"],
+	["op-code", "bvs"],
+	["op-code", "clc"],
+	["op-code", "cld"],
+	["op-code", "cli"],
+	["op-code", "clv"],
+	["op-code", "cmp"],
+	["op-code", "cpx"],
+	["op-code", "cpy"],
+	["op-code", "dec"],
+	["op-code", "dex"],
+	["op-code", "dey"],
+	["op-code", "eor"],
+	["op-code", "inc"],
+	["op-code", "inx"],
+	["op-code", "iny"],
+	["op-code", "jmp"],
+	["op-code", "jsr"],
+	["op-code", "lda"],
+	["op-code", "ldx"],
+	["op-code", "ldy"],
+	["op-code", "lsr"],
+	["op-code", "nop"],
+	["op-code", "ora"],
+	["op-code", "pha"],
+	["op-code", "php"],
+	["op-code", "pla"],
+	["op-code", "plp"],
+	["op-code", "rol"],
+	["op-code", "ror"],
+	["op-code", "rti"],
+	["op-code", "rts"],
+	["op-code", "sbc"],
+	["op-code", "sec"],
+	["op-code", "sed"],
+	["op-code", "sei"],
+	["op-code", "sta"],
+	["op-code", "stx"],
+	["op-code", "sty"],
+	["op-code", "tax"],
+	["op-code", "tay"],
+	["op-code", "tsx"],
+	["op-code", "txa"],
+	["op-code", "txs"],
+	["op-code", "tya"],
+	["op-code", "ADC"],
+	["op-code", "AND"],
+	["op-code", "ASL"],
+	["op-code", "BCC"],
+	["op-code", "BCS"],
+	["op-code", "BEQ"],
+	["op-code", "BIT"],
+	["op-code", "BMI"],
+	["op-code", "BNE"],
+	["op-code", "BPL"],
+	["op-code", "BRK"],
+	["op-code", "BVC"],
+	["op-code", "BVS"],
+	["op-code", "CLC"],
+	["op-code", "CLD"],
+	["op-code", "CLI"],
+	["op-code", "CLV"],
+	["op-code", "CMP"],
+	["op-code", "CPX"],
+	["op-code", "CPY"],
+	["op-code", "DEC"],
+	["op-code", "DEX"],
+	["op-code", "DEY"],
+	["op-code", "EOR"],
+	["op-code", "INC"],
+	["op-code", "INX"],
+	["op-code", "INY"],
+	["op-code", "JMP"],
+	["op-code", "JSR"],
+	["op-code", "LDA"],
+	["op-code", "LDX"],
+	["op-code", "LDY"],
+	["op-code", "LSR"],
+	["op-code", "NOP"],
+	["op-code", "ORA"],
+	["op-code", "PHA"],
+	["op-code", "PHP"],
+	["op-code", "PLA"],
+	["op-code", "PLP"],
+	["op-code", "ROL"],
+	["op-code", "ROR"],
+	["op-code", "RTI"],
+	["op-code", "RTS"],
+	["op-code", "SBC"],
+	["op-code", "SEC"],
+	["op-code", "SED"],
+	["op-code", "SEI"],
+	["op-code", "STA"],
+	["op-code", "STX"],
+	["op-code", "STY"],
+	["op-code", "TAX"],
+	["op-code", "TAY"],
+	["op-code", "TSX"],
+	["op-code", "TXA"],
+	["op-code", "TXS"],
+	["op-code", "TYA"]
diff --git a/tests/languages/asm6502/punctuation_feature.test b/tests/languages/asm6502/punctuation_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a75ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/asm6502/punctuation_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+( ) , :
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", ":"]
diff --git a/tests/languages/asm6502/register_feature.test b/tests/languages/asm6502/register_feature.test
index 91ec7c4..10002be 100644
--- a/tests/languages/asm6502/register_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/asm6502/register_feature.test
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
 LDA $8000,x
-  ["opcode", "LDA"],
-  ["hexnumber", "$8000"],
-  ",",
-  ["register", "x"],
-  ["opcode", "ASL"],
-  ["register", "A"]
+	["op-code", "LDA"],
+	["hex-number", "$8000"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["register", "x"],
+	["op-code", "ASL"],
+	["register", "A"]
 Check for registers