Commit 9c610ae689104b1d7af0136e446479e9bf1e18b0

Michael Schmidt 2021-03-28T18:55:07

JavaScript: Added hashbang and private getters/setters (#2815)

diff --git a/components/prism-javascript.js b/components/prism-javascript.js
index 96721ec..93363a0 100644
--- a/components/prism-javascript.js
+++ b/components/prism-javascript.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
 			lookbehind: true
-			pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/,
+			pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[#\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/,
 			lookbehind: true
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
 Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
+	'hashbang': {
+		pattern: /^#!.*/,
+		greedy: true,
+		alias: 'comment'
+	},
 	'template-string': {
 		pattern: /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]*})*})+}|(?!\${)[^\\`])*`/,
 		greedy: true,
diff --git a/components/prism-javascript.min.js b/components/prism-javascript.min.js
index ec55d3c..5c800c3 100644
--- a/components/prism-javascript.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-javascript.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prism.js b/prism.js
index f7ec30d..5982d5c 100644
--- a/prism.js
+++ b/prism.js
@@ -1522,7 +1522,7 @@ Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
 			lookbehind: true
-			pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/,
+			pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[#\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/,
 			lookbehind: true
@@ -1580,6 +1580,11 @@ Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
 Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
+	'hashbang': {
+		pattern: /^#!.*/,
+		greedy: true,
+		alias: 'comment'
+	},
 	'template-string': {
 		pattern: /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]*})*})+}|(?!\${)[^\\`])*`/,
 		greedy: true,
diff --git a/tests/languages/javascript/getter-setter_feature.test b/tests/languages/javascript/getter-setter_feature.test
index a86a7dc..6063b09 100644
--- a/tests/languages/javascript/getter-setter_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/javascript/getter-setter_feature.test
@@ -1,115 +1,121 @@
-const obj = {
-	get name() { return 'bar'; },
-	get [expr]() { return 'bar'; },
-	async get name() { return 'bar'; },
-	set name(val) { },
-	set [expr](val) { },
-	async set [expr](val) { },
-// not keywords
-	["keyword", "const"],
-	" obj ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["keyword", "get"],
-	["function", "name"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["keyword", "return"],
-	["string", "'bar'"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["keyword", "get"],
-	["punctuation", "["],
-	"expr",
-	["punctuation", "]"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["keyword", "return"],
-	["string", "'bar'"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["keyword", "async"],
-	["keyword", "get"],
-	["function", "name"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["keyword", "return"],
-	["string", "'bar'"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["keyword", "set"],
-	["function", "name"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["parameter", [
-		"val"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["keyword", "set"],
-	["punctuation", "["],
-	"expr",
-	["punctuation", "]"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["parameter", [
-		"val"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["keyword", "async"],
-	["keyword", "set"],
-	["punctuation", "["],
-	"expr",
-	["punctuation", "]"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["parameter", [
-		"val"
-	]],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ","],
-	["punctuation", "}"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["comment", "// not keywords"],
-	["function", "get"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["function", "set"],
-	["punctuation", "("],
-	"foo",
-	["punctuation", ")"],
-	["punctuation", ";"]
-Checks for getters and setters.
+const obj = {
+	get name() { return 'bar'; },
+	get [expr]() { return 'bar'; },
+	async get name() { return 'bar'; },
+	set name(val) { },
+	set [expr](val) { },
+	async set [expr](val) { },
+	get #x() { return #xValue; },
+// not keywords
+	["keyword", "const"],
+	" obj ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "get"],
+	["function", "name"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "return"],
+	["string", "'bar'"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "get"],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	"expr",
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "return"],
+	["string", "'bar'"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "async"],
+	["keyword", "get"],
+	["function", "name"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "return"],
+	["string", "'bar'"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "set"],
+	["function", "name"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["parameter", ["val"]],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "set"],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	"expr",
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["parameter", ["val"]],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "async"],
+	["keyword", "set"],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	"expr",
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["parameter", ["val"]],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["keyword", "get"],
+	["function", "#x"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["keyword", "return"],
+	" #xValue",
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["comment", "// not keywords"],
+	["function", "get"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["function", "set"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	"foo",
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"]
+Checks for getters and setters.
diff --git a/tests/languages/javascript/hashbang_feature.test b/tests/languages/javascript/hashbang_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba423f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/javascript/hashbang_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+// in the Script Goal
+'use strict';
+	["hashbang", "#!/usr/bin/env node"],
+	["comment", "// in the Script Goal"],
+	["string", "'use strict'"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	"\r\nconsole",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["function", "log"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", ";"]
\ No newline at end of file