Commit a5d7178cadb6ae2c34f1cbfc031dd71806dfdcaf

Michael Schmidt 2021-01-17T14:34:24

F#: Fixed comment false positive (#2703) F# has supports `(*)` to convert an operator into a function. This syntax collides with F# comments and produced false positives for comments. The comment pattern has been adjusted to not match `(*)`.

diff --git a/components/prism-fsharp.js b/components/prism-fsharp.js
index 442e689..4b2ac05 100644
--- a/components/prism-fsharp.js
+++ b/components/prism-fsharp.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Prism.languages.fsharp = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
 	'comment': [
-			pattern: /(^|[^\\])\(\*[\s\S]*?\*\)/,
+			pattern: /(^|[^\\])\(\*(?!\))[\s\S]*?\*\)/,
 			lookbehind: true
diff --git a/components/prism-fsharp.min.js b/components/prism-fsharp.min.js
index c44f1dd..3153afb 100644
--- a/components/prism-fsharp.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-fsharp.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/fsharp/comment_feature.test b/tests/languages/fsharp/comment_feature.test
index ff9170b..4484944 100644
--- a/tests/languages/fsharp/comment_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/fsharp/comment_feature.test
@@ -3,14 +3,26 @@
 (* foo
 bar *)
+// the next one is not a comment
+(*) (*)
 	["comment", "// foobar"],
 	["comment", "(**)"],
-	["comment", "(* foo\r\nbar *)"]
+	["comment", "(* foo\r\nbar *)"],
+	["comment", "// the next one is not a comment"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["operator", "*"],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["operator", "*"],
+	["punctuation", ")"]
-Checks for single-line and multi-line comments.
\ No newline at end of file
+Checks for single-line and multi-line comments.
diff --git a/tests/languages/fsharp/issue2696.test b/tests/languages/fsharp/issue2696.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7d26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/fsharp/issue2696.test
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+let score category (dice:Die list) =
+    let iDice = dice |> int |> List.sortDescending
+    let diced = iDice |> List.countBy id |> List.sortByDescending snd
+    let countScore cat = dice |> List.filter (fun d -> d=cat) |> List.length |> (*) (int cat)
+    let isStraight = iDice.[0] - iDice.[4] = 4
+    match category  , snd diced  with
+    | Yacht         , [5]         -> 50
+    | Ones          , _           -> countScore Die.One
+    | Twos          , _           -> countScore Die.Two
+    | Threes        , _           -> countScore Die.Three
+    | Fours         , _           -> countScore Die.Four
+    | Fives         , _           -> countScore Die.Five
+    | Sixes         , _           -> countScore Die.Six
+    | FourOfAKind   , [4;1]
+    | FourOfAKind   , [5]         -> iDice |> List.head |> (*) 4
+    | LittleStraight, [1;1;1;1;1] when isStraight && iDice.[0] = 5 -> 30
+    | BigStraight   , [1;1;1;1;1] when isStraight && iDice.[0] = 6 -> 30
+    | FullHouse     , [3;2]
+    | Choice        , _           -> iDice |> List.sum
+    | _             , _           -> 0
+	["keyword", "let"],
+	" score category ",
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	"dice",
+	["punctuation", ":"],
+	["class-name", ["Die"]],
+	" list",
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["keyword", "let"],
+	" iDice ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	" dice ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"map int ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"sortDescending\r\n    ",
+	["keyword", "let"],
+	" diced ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	" iDice ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"countBy id ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"sortByDescending snd\r\n    ",
+	["keyword", "let"],
+	" countScore cat ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	" dice ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"filter ",
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["keyword", "fun"],
+	" d ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" d",
+	["operator", "="],
+	"cat",
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"length ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["operator", "*"],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	"int cat",
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["keyword", "let"],
+	" isStraight ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	" iDice",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "-"],
+	" iDice",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "4"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "4"],
+	["keyword", "match"],
+	" category  ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"map snd diced  ",
+	["keyword", "with"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Yacht         ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "5"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "->"],
+	["number", "50"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Ones          ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"One\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Twos          ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"Two\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Threes        ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"Three\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Fours         ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"Four\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Fives         ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"Five\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Sixes         ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" countScore Die",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"Six\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" FourOfAKind   ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "4"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" FourOfAKind   ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "5"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" iDice ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"head ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	["punctuation", "("],
+	["operator", "*"],
+	["punctuation", ")"],
+	["number", "4"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" LittleStraight",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["keyword", "when"],
+	" isStraight ",
+	["operator", "&&"],
+	" iDice",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "5"],
+	["operator", "->"],
+	["number", "30"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" BigStraight   ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["keyword", "when"],
+	" isStraight ",
+	["operator", "&&"],
+	" iDice",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "6"],
+	["operator", "->"],
+	["number", "30"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" FullHouse     ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["number", "3"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["number", "2"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" Choice        ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	" iDice ",
+	["operator", "|>"],
+	" List",
+	["punctuation", "."],
+	"sum\r\n    ",
+	["operator", "|"],
+	" _             ",
+	["punctuation", ","],
+	" _           ",
+	["operator", "->"],
+	["number", "0"]
\ No newline at end of file