Commit de10bd1d85c8012b6f9c07866c6fb2a18f5cb567

Michael Schmidt 2019-07-01T19:55:12

Protobuf improvements (#1948) This makes numerous improvements to the Protobuf grammar adding (almost) full support for PB2 and PB3 syntax.

diff --git a/components/prism-protobuf.js b/components/prism-protobuf.js
index 44e6cd5..4e369f8 100644
--- a/components/prism-protobuf.js
+++ b/components/prism-protobuf.js
@@ -1,8 +1,36 @@
-Prism.languages.protobuf = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
-	keyword: /\b(?:package|import|message|enum)\b/,
-	builtin: /\b(?:required|repeated|optional|reserved)\b/,
-	primitive: {
-		pattern: /\b(?:double|float|int32|int64|uint32|uint64|sint32|sint64|fixed32|fixed64|sfixed32|sfixed64|bool|string|bytes)\b/,
-		alias: 'symbol'
-	}
+(function (Prism) {
+	var builtinTypes = /\b(?:double|float|[su]?int(?:32|64)|s?fixed(?:32|64)|bool|string|bytes)\b/;
+	Prism.languages.protobuf = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
+		'class-name': {
+			pattern: /(\b(?:enum|extend|message|service)\s+)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*\{)/,
+			lookbehind: true
+		},
+		'keyword': /\b(?:enum|extend|extensions|import|message|oneof|option|optional|package|public|repeated|required|reserved|service|syntax|to)\b/
+	});
+	Prism.languages.insertBefore('protobuf', 'operator', {
+		'map': {
+			pattern: /\bmap<\s*[\w.]+\s*,\s*[\w.]+\s*>(?=\s+[A-Za-z_]\w*\s*[=;])/,
+			alias: 'class-name',
+			inside: {
+				'punctuation': /[<>.,]/,
+				'builtin': builtinTypes
+			}
+		},
+		'builtin': builtinTypes,
+		'positional-class-name': {
+			pattern: /(?:\b|\B\.)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?:\.[A-Za-z_]\w*)*(?=\s+[A-Za-z_]\w*\s*[=;])/,
+			alias: 'class-name',
+			inside: {
+				'punctuation': /\./
+			}
+		},
+		'annotation': {
+			pattern: /(\[\s*)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*=)/,
+			lookbehind: true
+		}
+	});
diff --git a/components/prism-protobuf.min.js b/components/prism-protobuf.min.js
index a55dbe2..ffbdaee 100644
--- a/components/prism-protobuf.min.js
+++ b/components/prism-protobuf.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+!function(e){var a=/\b(?:double|float|[su]?int(?:32|64)|s?fixed(?:32|64)|bool|string|bytes)\b/;e.languages.protobuf=e.languages.extend("clike",{"class-name":{pattern:/(\b(?:enum|extend|message|service)\s+)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*\{)/,lookbehind:!0},keyword:/\b(?:enum|extend|extensions|import|message|oneof|option|optional|package|public|repeated|required|reserved|service|syntax|to)\b/}),e.languages.insertBefore("protobuf","operator",{map:{pattern:/\bmap<\s*[\w.]+\s*,\s*[\w.]+\s*>(?=\s+[A-Za-z_]\w*\s*[=;])/,alias:"class-name",inside:{punctuation:/[<>.,]/,builtin:a}},builtin:a,"positional-class-name":{pattern:/(?:\b|\B\.)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?:\.[A-Za-z_]\w*)*(?=\s+[A-Za-z_]\w*\s*[=;])/,alias:"class-name",inside:{punctuation:/\./}},annotation:{pattern:/(\[\s*)[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*=)/,lookbehind:!0}})}(Prism);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/prism-protobuf.html b/examples/prism-protobuf.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7174552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/prism-protobuf.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<h2>Full example</h2>
+<pre><code>syntax = "proto3";
+package foo.generated;
+option java_package = "";
+option optimize_for = SPEED;
+// What's up with all the foo?
+message Foo {
+  message Bar {
+    optional string key   = 1;
+    optional Foo value = 2;
+    optional string value_raw = 3 [deprecated=true];
+  }
+  enum Level {
+    INFO  = 0;
+    WARN  = 1;
+    ERROR = 2;
+  }
+  repeated Property property = 1;
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/annotation_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/annotation_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec68a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/annotation_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+int32 foo = 1 [deprecated=true];
+	["builtin", "int32"],
+	" foo ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "1"],
+	["punctuation", "["],
+	["annotation", "deprecated"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["boolean", "true"],
+	["punctuation", "]"],
+	["punctuation", ";"]
+Check for annotations.
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/builtin_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/builtin_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf170b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/builtin_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+	["builtin", "double"],
+	["builtin", "float"],
+	["builtin", "int32"],
+	["builtin", "int64"],
+	["builtin", "uint32"],
+	["builtin", "uint64"],
+	["builtin", "sint32"],
+	["builtin", "sint64"],
+	["builtin", "fixed32"],
+	["builtin", "fixed64"],
+	["builtin", "sfixed32"],
+	["builtin", "sfixed64"],
+	["builtin", "bool"],
+	["builtin", "string"],
+	["builtin", "bytes"]
+Check for builtin types.
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/class-name_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/class-name_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f0ffb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/class-name_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+syntax = "proto2";
+syntax = "proto3";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+import public "new.proto";
+import "other.proto";
+enum Foo {}
+extend Foo {}
+service Foo {}
+message Foo {
+	Bar Bar = 0;
+	foo.Bar Bar2 = 0;
+	.baz.Bar Bar3 = 0;
+	["keyword", "syntax"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["string", "\"proto2\""],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "syntax"],
+	["operator", "="],
+	["string", "\"proto3\""],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "option"],
+	" java_multiple_files ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["boolean", "true"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["keyword", "public"],
+	["string", "\"new.proto\""],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
+	["string", "\"other.proto\""],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["keyword", "enum"],
+	["class-name", "Foo"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["keyword", "extend"],
+	["class-name", "Foo"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["keyword", "service"],
+	["class-name", "Foo"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["punctuation", "}"],
+	["keyword", "message"],
+	["class-name", "Foo"],
+	["punctuation", "{"],
+	["positional-class-name", [
+		"Bar"
+	]],
+	" Bar ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["positional-class-name", [
+		"foo",
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"Bar"
+	]],
+	" Bar2 ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["positional-class-name", [
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"baz",
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"Bar"
+	]],
+	" Bar3 ",
+	["operator", "="],
+	["number", "0"],
+	["punctuation", ";"],
+	["punctuation", "}"]
+Check for class names
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/keyword_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/keyword_feature.test
index eabe71e..1272833 100644
--- a/tests/languages/protobuf/keyword_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/keyword_feature.test
@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
-message Point {
-  required int32 x = 1;
-  required int32 y = 2;
-  optional string label = 3;
+	["keyword", "enum"],
+	["keyword", "extend"],
+	["keyword", "extensions"],
+	["keyword", "import"],
 	["keyword", "message"],
-	" Point ",
-	["punctuation", "{"],
-	["builtin", "required"],
-	["primitive", "int32"],
-	" x ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	["number", "1"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["builtin", "required"],
-	["primitive", "int32"],
-	" y ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	["number", "2"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["builtin", "optional"],
-	["primitive", "string"],
-	" label ",
-	["operator", "="],
-	["number", "3"],
-	["punctuation", ";"],
-	["punctuation", "}"]
+	["keyword", "oneof"],
+	["keyword", "option"],
+	["keyword", "optional"],
+	["keyword", "package"],
+	["keyword", "public"],
+	["keyword", "repeated"],
+	["keyword", "required"],
+	["keyword", "reserved"],
+	["keyword", "service"],
+	["keyword", "syntax"],
+	["keyword", "to"]
-Check for keywords and builtins
\ No newline at end of file
+Check for keywords
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/map_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/map_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a54f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/map_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+map<string, .foo.Foo> bar;
+	["map", [
+		"map",
+		["punctuation", "<"],
+		["builtin", "string"],
+		["punctuation", ","],
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"foo",
+		["punctuation", "."],
+		"Foo",
+		["punctuation", ">"]
+	]],
+	" bar",
+	["punctuation", ";"]
+Check for maps.
diff --git a/tests/languages/protobuf/string_feature.test b/tests/languages/protobuf/string_feature.test
index 3d2b45c..8929696 100644
--- a/tests/languages/protobuf/string_feature.test
+++ b/tests/languages/protobuf/string_feature.test
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
-Checks for single-quoted and double-quoted strings.
\ No newline at end of file
+Checks for single-quoted and double-quoted strings.