

Author Commit Date CI Message
Samuel Cochran 20b77bff 2021-05-14T21:04:43 Ruby: Added heredoc literals (#2885) Adds support for heredoc-style string literals in the Ruby syntax. https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.7.0/doc/syntax/literals_rdoc.html#label-Here+Documents+-28heredocs-29 This isn't perfect, but it's a good start.
Golmote 8b0520a8 2016-11-09T01:27:40 Ruby: Make strings greedy. Fixes #1048
Golmote 2d378008 2015-09-03T22:16:03 Ruby: Add % notations for strings and regexps. Fix #590
Golmote 5bb0b15a 2015-08-22T23:50:05 Add tests for Ruby