

Author Commit Date CI Message
Jannik Zschiesche 5c2f9e0a 2015-07-15T19:29:27 Use consistent quote style
Jannik Zschiesche 829f8a86 2015-06-13T15:24:53 New file extension for test case files: .test ## All test case files are now required to have the ".test" extension. This prevents issues with syntax highlighting in common IDEs and also prevents the test system to choke on non-testcase files in these directories (like `.DS_Store` or `Thumbs.db`). ## Hide the ".test" extension in the description of the test cases The message for a testcase `blabla.test` will now just read: > 1) Testing language 'css' – should pass test case 'blabla':
Jannik Zschiesche d1f90520 2015-06-01T20:39:11 Implemented test runner