

Author Commit Date CI Message
Michael Schmidt e644178b 2020-12-28T18:19:11 Added test for polynomial backtracking (#2597)
Daniel Morell 00bf00e3 2020-10-26T14:49:26 Apache Configuration: Update directive-flag to match '=' (#2612)
Michael Schmidt a91be7b2 2019-03-22T18:16:03 Apache config: Minor improvements + new keyword (#1823) This adds the `SSLSessionTickets` word to the list of inline directives and compresses current word lists.
Golmote 27f99ff4 2017-10-22T14:07:50 Apacheconf: Regexp optimisation
Golmote e87efd8b 2015-07-10T22:21:08 Apacheconf: don't include the spaces in directive-inline
Golmote b1fd5bdc 2015-03-10T08:27:53 Removed unused global flag in all grammars
Golmote 9487b5be 2015-01-09T08:11:21 Removed unneeded escapes in RegExps, added some semicolons
Jannik Zschiesche c3232e3e 2014-08-29T11:06:10 Renamed apacheconf back to the name without dashes Sorry for the confusion.