

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 17752a6c 2020-03-04T14:03:48 Downgrade to C89 = ANSI C
Thomas de Grivel 24799c90 2020-02-18T14:13:21 abort playing if keyboard window was closed
Thomas de Grivel 9708bcef 2020-02-18T12:28:53 add more keys to keyboard
Thomas de Grivel 889c03bf 2020-02-18T12:28:36 initialize keyboard size
Thomas de Grivel b11c1854 2018-10-21T15:54:39 refactor VAR -> IN and FUN -> PROC.
Thomas de Grivel 2e268438 2018-08-31T15:30:45 ws
Thomas de Grivel 44f7ac64 2018-08-26T11:15:17 fix glfw3 keyboard
Thomas de Grivel b10e0e0b 2018-08-12T19:42:40 fix note repetitions
Thomas de Grivel 6acfc599 2018-08-12T16:48:50 better check if note is active
Thomas de Grivel f89234c0 2018-08-12T16:48:19 add notes to glfw3 keyboard
Thomas de Grivel 907a75d5 2018-08-11T22:08:41 glfw3_oscilloscope with 4 colors
Thomas de Grivel 963b21c5 2018-08-10T19:03:25 Split rtbuf_glfw3_keyboard.c