

Author Commit Date CI Message
tokyovania 63b45f3b 2022-08-12T14:38:49 switch from bits to bytes
Thomas de Grivel 484da636 2022-08-04T13:53:39 free and doc
Thomas de Grivel a5b307c9 2022-02-24T11:38:56 fix compilation on macos
Thomas de Grivel 41f97665 2021-02-20T20:46:26 wip remove autotools
Thomas de Grivel f3db6641 2020-05-08T12:42:22 implement struct alignment
Thomas de Grivel ebf187e2 2020-05-06T14:23:31 fix build on Linux
Thomas de Grivel 6d4085c1 2020-04-30T12:01:46 recursive modular build