

Author Commit Date CI Message
Thomas de Grivel 928ec56d 2019-02-03T10:04:30 moved default values into libraries
Thomas de Grivel 6a55eda4 2018-12-31T21:40:42 Add signal delay, add min and max to all inputs
Thomas de Grivel b11c1854 2018-10-21T15:54:39 refactor VAR -> IN and FUN -> PROC.
Thomas de Grivel 95901a6d 2018-08-03T13:09:28 Add copyright and ISC license
Thomas de Grivel 04ae17b5 2018-08-02T23:48:50 wip refactor rtbuf_fun
Thomas de Grivel 65fe6167 2018-08-02T19:07:13 refactored rtbuf_fun
Thomas de Grivel d13046eb 2018-07-26T17:50:50 split rtbuf_sndio.c
Thomas de Grivel 5154296e 2018-07-26T17:36:12 rtbuf_sndio
Thomas de Grivel 3bbac598 2018-07-26T12:17:27 rtbuf_lib_fun -> rtbuf_fun
Thomas de Grivel dca29c50 2018-07-23T11:08:16 fix sndio
Thomas de Grivel c77f6638 2018-07-21T22:32:27 signal sinus and sndio test