Commit 096946407faf49fd0532d6a5348f1d4f2ccfe9b5

Kano 2012-02-04T19:24:48

Return last accepted share pool/time for devices

diff --git a/README b/README
index cbdbdee..9fd39f5 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -596,6 +596,9 @@ The list of requests and replies are:
  devs          DEVS           Each available CPU and GPU with their details
                               e.g. GPU=0,Accepted=NN,MHS av=NNN,...,Intensity=D|
+                              Last Share Time=NNN, <- standand long time in seconds
+                               (or 0 if none) of last accepted share
+                              Last Share Pool=N, <- pool number (or -1 if none)
                               Will not report CPUs if CPU mining is disabled
  gpu|N         GPU            The details of a single GPU number N in the same
diff --git a/api.c b/api.c
index 85f0649..11a361c 100644
--- a/api.c
+++ b/api.c
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static const char *COMMA = ",";
 static const char SEPARATOR = '|';
 static const char GPUSEP = ',';
-static const char *APIVERSION = "1.0";
+static const char *APIVERSION = "1.1";
 static const char *DEAD = "Dead";
 static const char *SICK = "Sick";
 static const char *NOSTART = "NoStart";
@@ -529,17 +529,21 @@ static void gpustatus(int gpu, bool isjson)
 			sprintf(intensity, "%d", gpus->intensity);
 		if (isjson)
-			sprintf(buf, "{\"GPU\":%d,\"Enabled\":\"%s\",\"Status\":\"%s\",\"Temperature\":%.2f,\"Fan Speed\":%d,\"Fan Percent\":%d,\"GPU Clock\":%d,\"Memory Clock\":%d,\"GPU Voltage\":%.3f,\"GPU Activity\":%d,\"Powertune\":%d,\"MHS av\":%.2f,\"MHS %ds\":%.2f,\"Accepted\":%d,\"Rejected\":%d,\"Hardware Errors\":%d,\"Utility\":%.2f,\"Intensity\":\"%s\"}",
+			sprintf(buf, "{\"GPU\":%d,\"Enabled\":\"%s\",\"Status\":\"%s\",\"Temperature\":%.2f,\"Fan Speed\":%d,\"Fan Percent\":%d,\"GPU Clock\":%d,\"Memory Clock\":%d,\"GPU Voltage\":%.3f,\"GPU Activity\":%d,\"Powertune\":%d,\"MHS av\":%.2f,\"MHS %ds\":%.2f,\"Accepted\":%d,\"Rejected\":%d,\"Hardware Errors\":%d,\"Utility\":%.2f,\"Intensity\":\"%s\",\"Last Share Pool\":%d,\"Last Share Time\":%lu}",
 				gpu, enabled, status, gt, gf, gp, gc, gm, gv, ga, pt,
 				cgpu->total_mhashes / total_secs, opt_log_interval, cgpu->rolling,
 				cgpu->accepted, cgpu->rejected, cgpu->hw_errors,
-				cgpu->utility, intensity);
+				cgpu->utility, intensity,
+				((unsigned long)(cgpu->last_share_pool_time) > 0) ? cgpu->last_share_pool : -1,
+				(unsigned long)(cgpu->last_share_pool_time));
-			sprintf(buf, "GPU=%d,Enabled=%s,Status=%s,Temperature=%.2f,Fan Speed=%d,Fan Percent=%d,GPU Clock=%d,Memory Clock=%d,GPU Voltage=%.3f,GPU Activity=%d,Powertune=%d,MHS av=%.2f,MHS %ds=%.2f,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Intensity=%s%c",
+			sprintf(buf, "GPU=%d,Enabled=%s,Status=%s,Temperature=%.2f,Fan Speed=%d,Fan Percent=%d,GPU Clock=%d,Memory Clock=%d,GPU Voltage=%.3f,GPU Activity=%d,Powertune=%d,MHS av=%.2f,MHS %ds=%.2f,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Intensity=%s,Last Share Pool=%d,Last Share Time=%lu%c",
 				gpu, enabled, status, gt, gf, gp, gc, gm, gv, ga, pt,
 				cgpu->total_mhashes / total_secs, opt_log_interval, cgpu->rolling,
 				cgpu->accepted, cgpu->rejected, cgpu->hw_errors,
-				cgpu->utility, intensity, SEPARATOR);
+				cgpu->utility, intensity,
+				((unsigned long)(cgpu->last_share_pool_time) > 0) ? cgpu->last_share_pool : -1,
+				(unsigned long)(cgpu->last_share_pool_time), SEPARATOR);
 		strcat(io_buffer, buf);