Merge pull request #487 from kanoi/master ICA optional limit timing with short=N or long=N
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index 9f9c4ab..48751d3 100644
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ only 1 FPGA actually runs on the board (e.g. like an early CM1 Icarus copy bitst
--icarus-timing <arg> Set how the Icarus timing is calculated - one setting/value for all or comma separated
default[=N] Use the default Icarus hash time (2.6316ns)
- short Calculate the hash time and stop adjusting it at ~315 difficulty 1 shares (~1hr)
- long Re-calculate the hash time continuously
+ short=[N] Calculate the hash time and stop adjusting it at ~315 difficulty 1 shares (~1hr)
+ long=[N] Re-calculate the hash time continuously
value[=N] Specify the hash time in nanoseconds (e.g. 2.6316) and abort time (e.g. 2.6316=80)
If you define fewer comma seperated values than Icarus devices, the last values will be used
@@ -236,6 +236,10 @@ Any CPU delays while calculating the hash time will affect the result
'short' mode only requires the computer to be stable until it has completed ~315 difficulty 1 shares
'long' mode requires it to always be stable to ensure accuracy, however, over time it continually
corrects itself
+The optional additional =N for 'short' or 'long' specifies the limit to set the timeout to in N * 100ms
+thus if the timing code calculation is higher while running, it will instead use N * 100ms
+This can be set to the appropriate value to ensure the device never goes idle even if the
+calculation is negatively affected by system performance
When in 'short' or 'long' mode, it will report the hash time value each time it is re-calculated
In 'short' or 'long' mode, the scan abort time starts at 5 seconds and uses the default 2.6316ns
diff --git a/driver-icarus.c b/driver-icarus.c
index 0f1be18..647c9d1 100644
--- a/driver-icarus.c
+++ b/driver-icarus.c
@@ -72,9 +72,17 @@ ASSERT1(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4);
// maybe 1ms?
#define ICARUS_READ_TIME(baud) (0.001)
-// USB ms timeout to wait
+// USB ms timeout to wait - user specified timeouts are multiples of this
+// Defined in multiples of ICARUS_WAIT_TIMEOUT
+// Must of course be greater than ICARUS_READ_COUNT_TIMING/ICARUS_WAIT_TIMEOUT
+// There's no need to have this bigger, since the overhead/latency of extra work
+// is pretty small once you get beyond a 10s nonce range time and 10s also
+// means that nothing slower than 429MH/s can go idle so most icarus devices
+// will always mine without idling
// In timing mode: Default starting value until an estimate can be obtained
// 5000 ms allows for up to a ~840MH/s device
@@ -160,7 +168,9 @@ enum timing_mode { MODE_DEFAULT, MODE_SHORT, MODE_LONG, MODE_VALUE };
static const char *MODE_DEFAULT_STR = "default";
static const char *MODE_SHORT_STR = "short";
+static const char *MODE_SHORT_STREQ = "short=";
static const char *MODE_LONG_STR = "long";
+static const char *MODE_LONG_STREQ = "long=";
static const char *MODE_VALUE_STR = "value";
static const char *MODE_UNKNOWN_STR = "unknown";
@@ -176,6 +186,8 @@ struct ICARUS_INFO {
double Hs;
// ms til we abort
int read_time;
+ // ms limit for (short=/long=) read_time
+ int read_time_limit;
enum timing_mode timing_mode;
bool do_icarus_timing;
@@ -536,19 +548,46 @@ static void set_timing_mode(int this_option_offset, struct cgpu_info *icarus)
info->read_time = 0;
+ info->read_time_limit = 0; // 0 = no limit
- // TODO: allow short=N and long=N
if (strcasecmp(buf, MODE_SHORT_STR) == 0) {
+ // short
+ info->read_time = ICARUS_READ_COUNT_TIMING;
+ info->timing_mode = MODE_SHORT;
+ info->do_icarus_timing = true;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(buf, MODE_SHORT_STREQ, strlen(MODE_SHORT_STREQ)) == 0) {
+ // short=limit
info->read_time = ICARUS_READ_COUNT_TIMING;
info->timing_mode = MODE_SHORT;
info->do_icarus_timing = true;
+ info->read_time_limit = atoi(&buf[strlen(MODE_SHORT_STREQ)]);
+ if (info->read_time_limit < 0)
+ info->read_time_limit = 0;
+ if (info->read_time_limit > ICARUS_READ_TIME_LIMIT_MAX)
+ info->read_time_limit = ICARUS_READ_TIME_LIMIT_MAX;
} else if (strcasecmp(buf, MODE_LONG_STR) == 0) {
+ // long
info->read_time = ICARUS_READ_COUNT_TIMING;
info->timing_mode = MODE_LONG;
info->do_icarus_timing = true;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(buf, MODE_LONG_STREQ, strlen(MODE_LONG_STREQ)) == 0) {
+ // long=limit
+ info->read_time = ICARUS_READ_COUNT_TIMING;
+ info->timing_mode = MODE_LONG;
+ info->do_icarus_timing = true;
+ info->read_time_limit = atoi(&buf[strlen(MODE_LONG_STREQ)]);
+ if (info->read_time_limit < 0)
+ info->read_time_limit = 0;
+ if (info->read_time_limit > ICARUS_READ_TIME_LIMIT_MAX)
+ info->read_time_limit = ICARUS_READ_TIME_LIMIT_MAX;
} else if ((Hs = atof(buf)) != 0) {
+ // ns[=read_time]
info->Hs = Hs / NANOSEC;
info->fullnonce = info->Hs * (((double)0xffffffff) + 1);
@@ -583,10 +622,13 @@ static void set_timing_mode(int this_option_offset, struct cgpu_info *icarus)
info->min_data_count = MIN_DATA_COUNT;
- applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: cgid %d Init: mode=%s read_time=%dms Hs=%e",
+ // All values are in multiples of ICARUS_WAIT_TIMEOUT
+ info->read_time_limit *= ICARUS_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
+ applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: cgid %d Init: mode=%s read_time=%dms limit=%dms Hs=%e",
icarus->drv->name, icarus->cgminer_id,
- info->read_time, info->Hs);
+ info->read_time, info->read_time_limit, info->Hs);
static uint32_t mask(int work_division)
@@ -866,6 +908,7 @@ static int64_t icarus_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work,
int count;
double Hs, W, fullnonce;
int read_time;
+ bool limited;
int64_t estimate_hashes;
uint32_t values;
int64_t hash_count_range;
@@ -967,7 +1010,9 @@ static int64_t icarus_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work,
elapsed.tv_sec, elapsed.tv_usec);
- // ignore possible end condition values ... and hw errors
+ // Ignore possible end condition values ... and hw errors
+ // TODO: set limitations on calculated values depending on the device
+ // to avoid crap values caused by CPU/Task Switching/Swapping/etc
if (info->do_icarus_timing
&& !was_hw_error
&& ((nonce & info->nonce_mask) > END_CONDITION)
@@ -1040,6 +1085,11 @@ static int64_t icarus_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work,
fullnonce = W + Hs * (((double)0xffffffff) + 1);
read_time = SECTOMS(fullnonce) - ICARUS_READ_REDUCE;
+ if (info->read_time_limit > 0 && read_time > info->read_time_limit) {
+ read_time = info->read_time_limit;
+ limited = true;
+ } else
+ limited = false;
info->Hs = Hs;
info->read_time = read_time;
@@ -1055,8 +1105,9 @@ static int64_t icarus_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work,
else if (info->timing_mode == MODE_SHORT)
info->do_icarus_timing = false;
- applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%d Re-estimate: Hs=%e W=%e read_time=%dms fullnonce=%.3fs",
- icarus->drv->name, icarus->device_id, Hs, W, read_time, fullnonce);
+ applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%d Re-estimate: Hs=%e W=%e read_time=%dms%s fullnonce=%.3fs",
+ icarus->drv->name, icarus->device_id, Hs, W, read_time,
+ limited ? " (limited)" : "", fullnonce);
@@ -1078,6 +1129,7 @@ static struct api_data *icarus_api_stats(struct cgpu_info *cgpu)
// locking access to displaying API debug 'stats'
// If locking becomes an issue for any of them, use copy_data=true also
root = api_add_int(root, "read_time", &(info->read_time), false);
+ root = api_add_int(root, "read_time_limit", &(info->read_time_limit), false);
root = api_add_double(root, "fullnonce", &(info->fullnonce), false);
root = api_add_int(root, "count", &(info->count), false);
root = api_add_hs(root, "Hs", &(info->Hs), false);