Commit 288f5e3b4391853c5b86af7e93a89852558b7655

Kano 2013-05-17T19:12:31

simple serial-USB python test script

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79f79cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+# Original version supplied to me (Kano/kanoi) by xiangfu
+# Modified to allow supplying the data to send
+# Linux usAge: ./ /dev/ttyUSB0 0xhexcodes|string|icarus
+#  OR		python /dev/ttyUSB0 0xhexcodes|string|icarus
+# Windows usAge: ./ COM1 0xhexcodes|string|icarus
+#   sends the data sepcified to the USB device and waits
+#   for a reply then displays it
+#   the data can be:
+#	0xhexcodes: e.g. 0x68656c6c6f20776f726c640a
+#			would send "hello world\n"
+#	string: e.g. sendsometext
+#	icarus: sends 2 known block payloads for an icarus device
+#		and shows the expected and actual answers if it's
+#		a working V3 icarus
+import sys
+import serial
+import binascii
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+	sys.stderr.write("usAge: " + sys.argv[0] + " device strings...\n")
+	sys.stderr.write(" where device is either like /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM1\n")
+	sys.stderr.write(" and strings are either '0xXXXX' or 'text'\n")
+	sys.stderr.write(" if the first string is 'icarus' the rest are ignored\n")
+	sys.stderr.write("  and 2 valid icarus test payloads are sent with results displayed\n")
+	sys.stderr.write("\nAfter any command is sent it waits up to 30 seconds for a reply\n");
+	sys.exit("Aborting")
+# Open with a 10 second timeout - just to be sure
+ser = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, serial.EIGHTBITS, serial.PARITY_NONE, serial.STOPBITS_ONE, 10, False, False, 5, False, None)
+if sys.argv[2] == "icarus":
+	# This show how Icarus use the block and midstate data
+	# This will produce nonce 063c5e01
+	block = "0000000120c8222d0497a7ab44a1a2c7bf39de941c9970b1dc7cdc400000079700000000e88aabe1f353238c668d8a4df9318e614c10c474f8cdf8bc5f6397b946c33d7c4e7242c31a098ea500000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
+	midstate = "33c5bf5751ec7f7e056443b5aee3800331432c83f404d9de38b94ecbf907b92d"
+	rdata2  = block.decode('hex')[95:63:-1]
+	rmid    = midstate.decode('hex')[::-1]
+	payload = rmid + rdata2
+	print("Push payload to icarus: " + binascii.hexlify(payload))
+	ser.write(payload)
+	print("Result:(should be: 063c5e01): " + binascii.hexlify(b))
+	# Just another test
+	payload2 = "ce92099c5a80bb81c52990d5c0924c625fd25a535640607d5a4bdf8174e2c8d500000000000000000000000080000000000000000b290c1a42313b4f21b5bcb8"
+	print("Push payload to icarus: " + payload2)
+	ser.write(payload2.decode('hex'))
+	print("Result:(should be: 8e0b31c5): " + binascii.hexlify(b))
+	data = ""
+	for arg in sys.argv[2::]:
+		if arg[0:2:] == '0x':
+			data += arg[2::].decode('hex')
+		else:
+			data += arg
+	print("Sending: 0x" + binascii.hexlify(data))
+	ser.write(data)
+	# If you're expecting more than one linefeed terminated reply,
+	# you'll only see the first one
+	# AND with no linefeed, this will wait the 10 seconds before returning
+	print("Waiting up to 10 seconds ...")
+	b=ser.readline()
+	print("Result: hex 0x" + binascii.hexlify(b))
+	# This could mess up the display - do it last
+	print("Result: asc '" + b + "'")