Commit 3c0d41469a8117273894c3e8d85d7c67a134ce21

Con Kolivas 2012-12-14T02:34:33

Merge pull request #367 from kanoi/minerphp miner.php prev/next rig buttons, custom page joins for STATS

diff --git a/miner.php b/miner.php
index f6250f0..ecabbdb 100644
--- a/miner.php
+++ b/miner.php
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ $singlerigsum = array(
 			'Hardware Errors' => 1, 'Utility' => 1, 'Total MH' => 1),
  'pools' => array('Getworks' => 1, 'Accepted' => 1, 'Rejected' => 1, 'Discarded' => 1,
 			'Stale' => 1, 'Get Failures' => 1, 'Remote Failures' => 1,
-			'Diff1 Shares' => 1),
+			'Diff1 Shares' => 1, 'Difficulty Accepted' => 1),
  'notify' => array('*' => 1));
 function showtotal($total, $when, $oldvalues)
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ function process($cmds, $rig)
-function rigbutton($rig, $rigname, $when, $row)
+function rigname($rig, $rigname)
  global $rigs;
@@ -1218,12 +1218,21 @@ function rigbutton($rig, $rigname, $when, $row)
 		$rigname = $parts[2];
- list($value, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'Rig', '', $when, $row);
+ return $rigname;
+function riginput($rig, $rigname)
+ $rigname = rigname($rig, $rigname);
- $button = "<td align=middle$class><input type=button value='$rigname'";
- $button .= " onclick='pr(\"&rig=$rig\",null)'></td>";
+ return "<input type=button value='$rigname' onclick='pr(\"&rig=$rig\",null)'>";
+function rigbutton($rig, $rigname, $when, $row)
+ list($value, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'Rig', '', $when, $row);
- return $button;
+ return "<td align=middle$class>".riginput($rig, $rigname).'</td>';
 function showrigs($anss, $headname, $rigname)
@@ -1445,16 +1454,43 @@ function pagebuttons($rig, $pg)
  if ($rig === null)
+	$prev = null;
+	$next = null;
 	if ($pg === null)
 		$refresh = '';
 		$refresh = "&pg=$pg";
+ {
+	switch (count($rigs))
+	{
+	case 0:
+	case 1:
+		$prev = null;
+		$next = null;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		$prev = null;
+		$next = ($rig + 1) % count($rigs);
+		break;
+	default:
+		$prev = ($rig - 1) % count($rigs);
+		$next = ($rig + 1) % count($rigs);
+		break;
+	}
 	$refresh = "&rig=$rig";
+ }
  echo '<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td nowrap>';
+ if ($prev !== null)
+	echo riginput($prev, 'Prev').'&nbsp;';
  echo "<input type=button value='Refresh' onclick='pr(\"$refresh\",null)'>&nbsp;";
+ if ($next !== null)
+	echo riginput($next, 'Next').'&nbsp;';
+ echo '&nbsp;';
  if (count($rigs) > 1)
 	echo "<input type=button value='Summary' onclick='pr(\"\",null)'>&nbsp;";
@@ -1522,7 +1558,8 @@ $sectionmap = array(
 	'DEVDETAILS' => 'devdetails',
 	'STATS' => 'stats',
 	'CONFIG' => 'config',
-	'COIN' => 'coin');
+	'COIN' => 'coin',
+	'USBSTATS' => 'usbstats');
 function joinfields($section1, $section2, $join, $results)
@@ -1584,6 +1621,79 @@ function joinfields($section1, $section2, $join, $results)
  return $newres;
+function joinlr($section1, $section2, $join, $results)
+ global $sectionmap;
+ $name1 = $sectionmap[$section1];
+ $name2 = $sectionmap[$section2];
+ $newres = array();
+ // foreach rig in section1
+ foreach ($results[$name1] as $rig => $result)
+ {
+	$status = null;
+	// foreach answer section in the rig api call
+	foreach ($result as $name1b => $fields1b)
+	{
+		if ($name1b == 'STATUS')
+		{
+			// remember the STATUS from section1
+			$status = $result[$name1b];
+			continue;
+		}
+		// Build L string to be matched
+		// : means a string constant otherwise it's a field name
+		$Lval = '';
+		foreach ($join['L'] as $field)
+		{
+			if (substr($field, 0, 1) == ':')
+				$Lval .= substr($field, 1);
+			else
+				$Lval .= $fields1b[$field];
+		}
+		// foreach answer section in the rig api call (for the other api command)
+		foreach ($results[$name2][$rig] as $name2b => $fields2b)
+		{
+			if ($name2b == 'STATUS')
+				continue;
+			// Build R string and compare
+			// : means a string constant otherwise it's a field name
+			$Rval = '';
+			foreach ($join['R'] as $field)
+			{
+				if (substr($field, 0, 1) == ':')
+					$Rval .= substr($field, 1);
+				else
+					$Rval .= $fields2b[$field];
+			}
+			if ($Lval === $Rval)
+			{
+				if ($status != null)
+				{
+					$newres[$rig]['STATUS'] = $status;
+					$status = null;
+				}
+				$subsection = $section1.'+'.$section2;
+				$subsection .= preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $name1b.$name2b);
+				foreach ($fields1b as $nam => $val)
+					$newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section1.$nam"] = $val;
+				foreach ($fields2b as $nam => $val)
+					$newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section2.$nam"] = $val;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ }
+ return $newres;
 function joinall($section1, $section2, $results)
  global $sectionmap;
@@ -1628,8 +1738,6 @@ function joinsections($sections, $results, $errors)
  global $sectionmap;
-#echo "results['pools']=".print_r($results['pools'],true)."<br>";
  // GPU's don't have Name,ID fields - so create them
  foreach ($results as $section => $res)
 	foreach ($res as $rig => $result)
@@ -1667,14 +1775,33 @@ function joinsections($sections, $results, $errors)
 			case 'DEVS':
-				$join = array('Name', 'ID');
 				case 'NOTIFY':
 				case 'DEVDETAILS':
+				case 'USBSTATS':
+					$join = array('Name', 'ID');
 					$sectionmap[$section] = $section;
 					$results[$section] = joinfields($both[0], $both[1], $join, $results);
+				case 'STATS':
+					$join = array('L' => array('Name','ID'), 'R' => array('ID'));
+					$sectionmap[$section] = $section;
+					$results[$section] = joinlr($both[0], $both[1], $join, $results);
+					break;
+				default:
+					$errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'";
+					break;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'POOL':
+				switch($both[1])
+				{
+				case 'STATS':
+					$join = array('L' => array(':POOL','POOL'), 'R' => array('ID'));
+					$sectionmap[$section] = $section;
+					$results[$section] = joinlr($both[0], $both[1], $join, $results);
+					break;
 					$errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'";
@@ -2099,7 +2226,7 @@ function display()
  doforeach('version', 'rig summary', array(), array(), true);
- $sum = array('MHS av', 'Getworks', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Utility', 'Local Work', 'Total MH', 'Work Utility', 'Diff1 Shares', 'Diff1 Work');
+ $sum = array('MHS av', 'Getworks', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Utility', 'Local Work', 'Total MH', 'Work Utility', 'Diff1 Shares', 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Difficulty Stale');
  doforeach('summary', 'summary information', $sum, array(), false);