Commit 6d4314d47ff723e900b40d42c53d62bd5fac57a2

Con Kolivas 2012-03-27T23:04:17

Add extensive instructions on how to make a native windows build.

diff --git a/README b/README
index ba9d86a..4360634 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Basic WIN32 build instructions (LIKELY OUTDATED INFO. requires mingw32):
-Native WIN32 build instructions (on mingw32, on windows):
+Native WIN32 build instructions (outdated, see windows-build.txt)
 	Install the Microsoft platform SDK
 	Install AMD APP sdk, (if you want GPU mining)
 	Install AMD ADL sdk, (if you want GPU monitoring)
diff --git a/windows-build.txt b/windows-build.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05e659a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows-build.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#                                                                                    #
+#          Native WIN32 setup and build instructions (on mingw32/Windows):           #
+#                                                                                    #
+* Introduction                                                                       *
+The following instructions have been tested on both Windows 7 and Windows XP.
+Most of what is described below (copying files, downloading files, etc.) can be done
+directly in the MinGW MSYS shell; these instructions do not do so because package
+versions and links change over time. The best way is to use your browser, go to the
+links directly, and see for yourself which versions you want to install.
+If you think that this documentation was helpful and you wish to donate, you can 
+do so at the following address. 12KaKtrK52iQjPdtsJq7fJ7smC32tXWbWr
+* A tip that might help you along the way                                            *
+Enable "QuickEdit Mode" in your Command Prompt Window or MinGW Command Prompt
+Window (No need to go into the context menu to choose edit-mark/copy/paste):
+Right-click on the title bar and click Properties. Under the Options tab, check
+the box for "QuickEdit Mode". Alternately, if you want this change to be
+permanent on all of your Command Prompt Windows; you can click Defaults instead
+of Properties as described above. Now you can drag and select text you want to
+copy, right-click to copy the text to the clipboard and right-click once again to
+paste it at the desired location. You could for example, copy some text from this
+document to the clipboard and right click in your Command Prompt Window to paste
+what you copied.
+* Install mingw32                                                                    *
+Go to this url ==>
+Click the link that says "Download and run the latest mingw-get-inst version."
+Download and run the latest file. Install MinGW in the default directory.
+(I downloaded the one labeled "mingw-get-inst-20111118" - note that this could 
+be a different version later.)
+Make sure to check the option for "Download latest repository catalogs".
+I just selected all the check boxes (excluding "Fortran Compiler") so that everything
+was installed.
+* Create mstcpip.h                                                                   *
+Open notepad and copy the following into it. Save it as "\MinGW\include\mstcpip.h".
+Make sure it does not have the ".txt" extension (If it does then rename it).
+struct tcp_keepalive
+    u_long onoff;
+    u_long keepalivetime;
+    u_long keepaliveinterval;
+#ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX
+* Run the MSYS shell for the first time to create your user directory                *
+(Start Icon/keyboard key ==> All Programs ==> MinGW ==> MinGW Shell).
+This will create your user directory for you.
+* Install libpdcurses                                                                *
+Type the lines below to install libpdcurses.
+mingw-get install mingw32-libpdcurses
+mingw-get install mingw32-pdcurses
+Ctrl-D or typing "logout" and pressing the enter key should get you out of the
+* Copy CGMiner source to your MSYS working directory                                 *
+Copy CGMiner source code directory into: 
+\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(folder with your user name)
+* Install AMD APP SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU mining)                  *
+Note: You do not need to install the AMD APP SDK if you are only using Nvidia GPU's
+Go to this url for the latest AMD APP SDK: 
+Go to this url for legacy AMD APP SDK's:
+Download and install whichever version you like best.
+Copy the folders in \Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\include to \MinGW\include 
+Copy \Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\lib\x86\libOpenCL.a to \MinGW\lib
+Note: If you are on a 32 bit version of windows "Program Files (x86)" will be 
+"Program Files".
+Note2: If you update your APP SDK later you might want to recopy the above files 
+* Install AMD ADL SDK, latest version (only if you want GPU monitoring)              *
+Note: You do not need to install the AMD ADL SDK if you are only using Nvidia GPU's	
+Go to this url ==>
+Download and unzip the file you downloaded.
+Pull adl_defines.h, adl_sdk.h, and adl_structures.h out of the include folder 
+Put those files into the ADL_SDK folder in your source tree as shown below.
+\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(folder with your user name)\cgminer-x.x.x\ADL_SDK
+* Install GTK-WIN, required for Pkg-config in the next step                          *
+Go to this url ==> 
+Download the file.
+After you have downloaded the file Double click/run it and this will install GTK+
+I chose all the selection boxes when I installed.
+Copy libglib-2.0-0.dll and intl.dll from \Program Files (x86)\gtk2-runtime\bin to 
+Note: If you are on a 32 bit version of windows "Program Files (x86)" will be 
+"Program Files".
+* Install pkg-config                                                                 *
+Go to this url ==>
+Scroll down to where it shows pkg-cfg.
+Download the file from the tool link. Extract "pkg-config.exe" from bin and place in
+your  \MinGW\bin directory.
+Download the file from the "Dev" link. Extract "pkg.m4" from share\aclocal and place
+in your \MingW\share\aclocal directory.
+* Install libcurl                                                                    *
+Go to this url ==>
+At the section where it says "Win32 - Generic", Click on the link that indicates
+Win32 2000.XP 7.24.0 libcurl SSL and download it.
+The one I downloaded may not be current for you. Choose the latest.
+Extract the files that are in the zip (bin, include, and lib) to their respective
+locations in MinGW (\MinGW\bin, \MinGW\include, and \MinGW\lib).
+Edit the file \MinGW\lib\pkgconfig\libcurl.pc and change "-lcurl" to 
+"-lcurl -lcurldll".
+* Build cgminer.exe                                                                  *
+Run the MinGW MSYS shell 
+(Start Icon/keyboard key ==> All Programs ==> MinGW ==> MinGW Shell).	
+Change the working directory to your CGMiner project folder.
+Example: cd cgminer-2.1.2 [Enter Key] if you are unsure then type "ls -la"
+Another way is to type "cd cg" and then press the tab key; It will auto fill.		
+Type the lines below one at a time. Look for problems after each one before going on
+to the next.
+ (optional - see below)
+      autoreconf -fvi
+      CFLAGS="-O2 -msse2" ./configure (additional config options, see below)
+      make
+* Copy files to a build directory/folder                                             *
+Make a directory and copy the following files into it. This will be your CGMiner
+Folder that you use for mining. Remember the .cl filenames could change on later
+releases. If you installed a different version of libcurl then some of those dll's
+may be different as well.
+  cgminer.exe     from \MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(username)\cgminer-x.x.x 
+  *.cl            from \MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(username)\cgminer-x.x.x
+  README          from \MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(username)\cgminer-x.x.x
+  libcurl.dll     from \MinGW\bin
+  libeay32.dll    from \MinGW\bin
+  libidn-11.dll   from \MinGW\bin
+  libssl32.dll    from \MinGW\bin
+  libpdcurses.dll from \MinGW\bin
+  pthreadGC2.dll  from \MinGW\bin
+* Optional - Install Git into MinGW/MSYS                                             *
+Go to this url ==>
+Click on the Downloads tab.
+Download the latest "Portable" git archive.
+Extract the git*.exe files from the bin folder and put them into \MinGW\bin.
+Extract the share\git-core folder and place it into \MinGW\share.
+To test if it is working, open a MinGW shell and type the following:
+  git config -–global core.autocrlf false (note: one time run only)
+  git clone git://
+If you simply just want to update the source after you have already cloned, type:
+  git pull git://
+Now you can get the latest source directly from github.
+* Optional - Make a .sh file to automate copying over ADL files                      *
+Make a folder/directory in your home folder and name it ADL_SDK.
+ (ref:  \MinGW\msys\1.0\home\(folder with your user name)\ADL_SDK)
+Copy the ADL .h files into that folder/directory.
+Open your favorite text editor and type the following into it.
+ cp -av ../ADL_SDK/*.h ADL_SDK
+Save the file as "" and then place the file into "\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin".
+From now on when your current working directory is the cgminer source directory
+You can simply type "" and it will place the ADL header files into place
+For you. Make sure you never remove the ADL_SDK folder from your home folder.
+* Some ./configure options                                                           *
+--disable-opencl        Override detection and disable building with opencl
+--disable-adl           Override detection and disable building with adl
+--enable-bitforce       Compile support for BitForce FPGAs(default disabled)
+--enable-icarus         Compile support for Icarus Board(default disabled)
+#                                                                                    #
+#       Native WIN32 setup and build instructions (on mingw32/Windows) complete      #
+#                                                                                    #
\ No newline at end of file