Commit 7dcd9f3ed281bc6d9d2f13f802794bacc1a828fc

drizztbsd 2012-06-13T20:31:03

Fix typo in some API messages (succeess/success)

diff --git a/api.c b/api.c
index 6a4d715..f18f7f7 100644
--- a/api.c
+++ b/api.c
@@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ struct CODES {
  { SEVERITY_INFO,  MSG_GPUINT,	PARAM_BOTH,	"GPU %d set new intensity to %s" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_GPUMERR,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d memoryclock to (%s) reported failure" },
- { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUMEM,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d memoryclock to (%s) reported succeess" },
+ { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUMEM,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d memoryclock to (%s) reported success" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_GPUEERR,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d clock to (%s) reported failure" },
- { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUENG,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d clock to (%s) reported succeess" },
+ { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUENG,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d clock to (%s) reported success" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_GPUVERR,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d vddc to (%s) reported failure" },
- { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUVDDC,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d vddc to (%s) reported succeess" },
+ { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUVDDC,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d vddc to (%s) reported success" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_GPUFERR,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d fan to (%s) reported failure" },
- { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUFAN,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d fan to (%s) reported succeess" },
+ { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_GPUFAN,	PARAM_BOTH,	"Setting GPU %d fan to (%s) reported success" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_MISFN,	PARAM_NONE,	"Missing save filename parameter" },
  { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_BADFN,	PARAM_STR,	"Can't open or create save file '%s'" },
  { SEVERITY_SUCC,  MSG_SAVED,	PARAM_STR,	"Configuration saved to file '%s'" },