Commit 8747a472f3e2634016f6d79d25c28e4cf581f662

Kano 2012-03-22T20:33:17

api.c Report an OS string in config to help with device issues

diff --git a/api.c b/api.c
index cfc4854..8991c15 100644
--- a/api.c
+++ b/api.c
@@ -184,6 +184,25 @@ static const char *DEVICECODE = ""
+static const char *OSINFO =
+#if defined(__linux)
+			"Linux";
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+			"Apple";
+#if defined (WIN32)
+			"Windows";
+#if defined(unix)
+			"Unix";
+			"Unknown";
 #define _DEVS		"DEVS"
 #define _POOLS		"POOLS"
@@ -658,9 +677,9 @@ static void minerconfig(__maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c, __maybe_unused char *param,
 	strcpy(io_buffer, message(MSG_MINECON, 0, NULL, isjson));
 	if (isjson)
-		sprintf(buf, "," JSON_MINECON "{\"GPU Count\":%d,\"PGA Count\":%d,\"CPU Count\":%d,\"Pool Count\":%d,\"ADL\":\"%s\",\"ADL in use\":\"%s\",\"Strategy\":\"%s\",\"Log Interval\":%d,\"Device Code\":\"%s\"}" JSON_CLOSE, nDevs, pgacount, cpucount, total_pools, adl, adlinuse, strategies[pool_strategy].s, opt_log_interval, DEVICECODE);
+		sprintf(buf, "," JSON_MINECON "{\"GPU Count\":%d,\"PGA Count\":%d,\"CPU Count\":%d,\"Pool Count\":%d,\"ADL\":\"%s\",\"ADL in use\":\"%s\",\"Strategy\":\"%s\",\"Log Interval\":%d,\"Device Code\":\"%s\",\"OS\":\"%s\"}" JSON_CLOSE, nDevs, pgacount, cpucount, total_pools, adl, adlinuse, strategies[pool_strategy].s, opt_log_interval, OSINFO, DEVICECODE);
-		sprintf(buf, _MINECON ",GPU Count=%d,PGA Count=%d,CPU Count=%d,Pool Count=%d,ADL=%s,ADL in use=%s,Strategy=%s,Log Interval=%d,Device Code=%s%c", nDevs, pgacount, cpucount, total_pools, adl, adlinuse, strategies[pool_strategy].s, opt_log_interval, DEVICECODE, SEPARATOR);
+		sprintf(buf, _MINECON ",GPU Count=%d,PGA Count=%d,CPU Count=%d,Pool Count=%d,ADL=%s,ADL in use=%s,Strategy=%s,Log Interval=%d,Device Code=%s,OS=%s%c", nDevs, pgacount, cpucount, total_pools, adl, adlinuse, strategies[pool_strategy].s, opt_log_interval, DEVICECODE, OSINFO, SEPARATOR);
 	strcat(io_buffer, buf);