Commit b59ebaee37848539be679a7baca757f569851a98

Kano 2014-01-07T03:13:04

klist lists for bab

diff --git a/ b/
index af24c49..bb0155e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ cgminer_SOURCES	+= elist.h miner.h compat.h bench_block.h	\
 cgminer_SOURCES	+= logging.c
+cgminer_SOURCES	+= klist.h klist.c
 cgminer_SOURCES += fpgautils.c fpgautils.h
diff --git a/klist.c b/klist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca325e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/klist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Andrew Smith - BlackArrow Ltd
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.  See COPYING for more details.
+ */
+#include <klist.h>
+static void k_alloc_items(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	K_ITEM *item;
+	int allocate, i;
+	if (list->is_store) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s store can't %s" KLIST_FFL,
+				list->name, __func__, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	}
+	if (list->limit > 0 && list->total >= list->limit)
+		return;
+	allocate = list->allocate;
+	if (list->limit > 0 && (list->total + allocate) > list->limit)
+		allocate = list->limit - list->total;
+	list->item_mem_count++;
+	if (!realloc(list->item_memory, list->item_mem_count * sizeof(*(list->item_memory)))) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s item_memory failed to realloc count=%d",
+				list->name, list->item_mem_count);
+	}
+	item = calloc(allocate, sizeof(*item));
+	if (!item) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s failed to calloc %d new items - total was %d, limit was %d",
+				list->name, allocate, list->total, list->limit);
+	}
+	list->item_memory[list->item_mem_count - 1] = (void *)item;
+	list->total += allocate;
+	list->count = allocate;
+	list->count_up = allocate;
+	item[0].name = list->name;
+	item[0].prev = NULL;
+	item[0].next = &(item[1]);
+	for (i = 1; i < allocate-1; i++) {
+		item[i].name = list->name;
+		item[i].prev = &item[i-1];
+		item[i].next = &item[i+1];
+	}
+	item[allocate-1].name = list->name;
+	item[allocate-1].prev = &(item[allocate-2]);
+	item[allocate-1].next = NULL;
+	list->head = item;
+	if (list->do_tail)
+		list->tail = &(item[allocate-1]);
+	item = list->head;
+	while (item) {
+		list->data_mem_count++;
+		if (!realloc(list->data_memory, list->data_mem_count * sizeof(*(list->data_memory)))) {
+			quithere(1, "List %s data_memory failed to realloc count=%d",
+					list->name, list->data_mem_count);
+		}
+		item->data = calloc(1, list->siz);
+		if (!(item->data))
+			quithere(1, "List %s failed to calloc item data", list->name);
+		list->data_memory[list->data_mem_count - 1] = (void *)(item->data);
+		item = item->next;
+	}
+K_STORE *k_new_store(K_LIST *list)
+	K_STORE *store;
+	store = calloc(1, sizeof(*store));
+	if (!store)
+		quithere(1, "Failed to calloc store for %s", list->name);
+	store->is_store = true;
+	store->lock = list->lock;
+	store->name = list->name;
+	store->do_tail = list->do_tail;
+	return store;
+K_LIST *_k_new_list(const char *name, size_t siz, int allocate, int limit, bool do_tail, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	K_LIST *list;
+	if (allocate < 1)
+		quithere(1, "Invalid new list %s with allocate %d must be > 0", name, allocate);
+	if (limit < 0)
+		quithere(1, "Invalid new list %s with limit %d must be >= 0", name, limit);
+	list = calloc(1, sizeof(*list));
+	if (!list)
+		quithere(1, "Failed to calloc list %s", name);
+	list->is_store = false;
+	list->lock = calloc(1, sizeof(*(list->lock)));
+	if (!(list->lock))
+		quithere(1, "Failed to calloc lock for list %s", name);
+	cglock_init(list->lock);
+	list->name = name;
+	list->siz = siz;
+	list->allocate = allocate;
+	list->limit = limit;
+	list->do_tail = do_tail;
+	k_alloc_items(list, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	return list;
+ * Unlink and return the head of the list
+ * If the list is empty:
+ * 1) If it's a store - return NULL
+ * 2) alloc a new list and return the head -
+ *	which is NULL if the list limit has been reached
+ */
+K_ITEM *_k_unlink_head(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	K_ITEM *item;
+	if (!(list->head) && !(list->is_store))
+		k_alloc_items(list, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	if (!(list->head))
+		return NULL;
+	item = list->head;
+	list->head = item->next;
+	if (list->head)
+		list->head->prev = NULL;
+	else {
+		if (list->do_tail)
+			list->tail = NULL;
+	}
+	item->prev = item->next = NULL;
+	list->count--;
+	return item;
+// Zeros the head returned
+K_ITEM *_k_unlink_head_zero(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	K_ITEM *item;
+	item = _k_unlink_head(list, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	if (item)
+		memset(item->data, 0, list->siz);
+	return item;
+// Returns NULL if empty
+K_ITEM *_k_unlink_tail(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	K_ITEM *item;
+	if (!(list->do_tail)) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s do_tail false can't %s" KLIST_FFL,
+				list->name, __func__, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	}
+	if (!(list->tail))
+		return NULL;
+	item = list->tail;
+	list->tail = item->prev;
+	if (list->tail)
+		list->tail->next = NULL;
+	else
+		list->head = NULL;
+	item->prev = item->next = NULL;
+	list->count--;
+	return item;
+void _k_add_head(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	if (item->name != list->name) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s can't %s a %s item" KLIST_FFL,
+				list->name, __func__, item->name, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	}
+	item->prev = NULL;
+	item->next = list->head;
+	if (list->head)
+		list->head->prev = item;
+	list->head = item;
+	if (list->do_tail) {
+		if (!(list->tail))
+			list->tail = item;
+	}
+	list->count++;
+	list->count_up++;
+/* slows it down (of course) - only for debugging
+void _k_free_head(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	memset(item->data, 0xff, list->siz);
+	_k_add_head(list, item, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+void k_unlink_item(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item)
+	if (item->prev)
+		item->prev->next = item->next;
+	if (item->next)
+		item->next->prev = item->prev;
+	if (list->head == item)
+		list->head = item->next;
+	if (list->do_tail) {
+		if (list->tail == item)
+			list->tail = item->prev;
+	}
+	item->prev = item->next = NULL;
+	list->count--;
+K_LIST *_k_free_list(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	int i;
+	if (list->is_store) {
+		quithere(1, "List %s can't %s() a store" KLIST_FFL,
+				list->name, __func__, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < list->item_mem_count; i++)
+		free(list->item_memory[i]);
+	free(list->item_memory);
+	for (i = 0; i < list->data_mem_count; i++)
+		free(list->data_memory[i]);
+	free(list->data_memory);
+	cglock_destroy(list->lock);
+	free(list->lock);
+	free(list);
+	return NULL;
+K_STORE *_k_free_store(K_STORE *store, KLIST_FFL_ARGS)
+	if (!(store->is_store)) {
+		quithere(1, "Store %s can't %s() the list" KLIST_FFL,
+				store->name, __func__, KLIST_FFL_PASS);
+	}
+	free(store);
+	return NULL;
diff --git a/klist.h b/klist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7608e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/klist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Andrew Smith - BlackArrow Ltd
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.  See COPYING for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef KLIST_H
+#define KLIST_H
+#include <miner.h>
+#define KLIST_FFL " - from %s %s() line %d"
+#define KLIST_FFL_HERE __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__
+#define KLIST_FFL_PASS file, func, line
+#define KLIST_FFL_ARGS  __maybe_unused const char *file, \
+			__maybe_unused const char *func, \
+			__maybe_unused const int line
+typedef struct k_item {
+	const char *name;
+	struct k_item *prev;
+	struct k_item *next;
+	void *data;
+} K_ITEM;
+typedef struct k_list {
+	const char *name;
+	bool is_store;
+	cglock_t *lock;
+	struct k_item *head;
+	struct k_item *tail;
+	size_t siz;		// item data size
+	int total;		// total allocated
+	int count;		// in this list
+	int count_up;		// incremented every time one is added
+	int allocate;		// number to intially allocate and each time we run out
+	int limit;		// total limit - 0 means unlimited
+	bool do_tail;		// track the tail?
+	int item_mem_count;	// how many item memory buffers have been allocated
+	void **item_memory;	// allocated item memory buffers
+	int data_mem_count;	// how many item data memory buffers have been allocated
+	void **data_memory;	// allocated item data memory buffers
+} K_LIST;
+ * K_STORE is for a list of items taken from a K_LIST
+ * The restriction is, a K_STORE must not allocate new items,
+ * only the K_LIST should do that
+ * i.e. all K_STORE items came from a K_LIST
+ */
+#define K_STORE K_LIST
+ * N.B. all locking is done in the code calling the k_ functions
+ */
+#define K_WLOCK(_list) cg_wlock(_list->lock)
+#define K_WUNLOCK(_list) cg_wunlock(_list->lock)
+#define K_RLOCK(_list) cg_rlock(_list->lock)
+#define K_RUNLOCK(_list) cg_runlock(_list->lock)
+extern K_STORE *k_new_store(K_LIST *list);
+extern K_LIST *_k_new_list(const char *name, size_t siz, int allocate, int limit, bool do_tail, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_new_list(_name, _siz, _allocate, _limit, _do_tail) _k_new_list(_name, _siz, _allocate, _limit, _do_tail, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern K_ITEM *_k_unlink_head(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_unlink_head(_list) _k_unlink_head(_list, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern K_ITEM *_k_unlink_head_zero(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_unlink_head_zero(_list) _k_unlink_head_zero(_list, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern K_ITEM *_k_unlink_tail(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_unlink_tail(_list) _k_unlink_tail(_list, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern void _k_add_head(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_add_head(_list, _item) _k_add_head(_list, _item, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+// extern void k_free_head(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_free_head(__list, __item) _k_add_head(__list, __item, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern void k_unlink_item(K_LIST *list, K_ITEM *item);
+extern K_LIST *_k_free_list(K_LIST *list, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_free_list(_list) _k_free_list(_list, KLIST_FFL_HERE)
+extern K_STORE *_k_free_store(K_STORE *store, KLIST_FFL_ARGS);
+#define k_free_store(_store) _k_free_store(_store, KLIST_FFL_HERE)