Commit f32a07250f9cfbe1c7c883661a3b1b49661e9eb4

Kano 2011-12-20T16:22:18

DOC related updates

diff --git a/README b/README
index ff24cfd..15f5e30 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ Options for both config file and command line:
         cryptopp        Crypto++ C/C++ implementation
         sse2_64         SSE2 64 bit implementation for x86_64 machines
         sse4_64         SSE4.1 64 bit implementation for x86_64 machines (default: sse2_64)
+--api-description   Description placed in the API status header (default: cgminer version)
+--api-listen        Listen for API requests (default: disabled)
+--api-network       Allow API (if enabled) to listen on/for any address (default: only
+--api-port          Port number of miner API (default: 4028)
 --auto-fan          Automatically adjust all GPU fan speeds to maintain a target temperature
 --auto-gpu          Automatically adjust all GPU engine clock speeds to maintain a target temperature
 --cpu-threads|-t <arg> Number of miner CPU threads (default: 4)
@@ -482,6 +486,124 @@ cgminer shuts down because of this.
+If you start cgminer with the "--api-listen" option, it will listen on a
+simple TCP/IP socket for single string API requests from the same machine
+running cgminer and reply with a string and then close the socket each time
+Also, if you add the "--api-network" option, it will accept API requests
+from any network attached computer.
+The request can be either simple text or JSON.
+If the request is JSON (starts with '{'), it will reply with a JSON formatted
+response, otherwise it replies with text formatted as described further below.
+The JSON request format required is '{"command":"CMD","parameter":"PARAM"}'
+(though of course parameter is not required for all requests)
+where "CMD" is from the "Request" column below and "PARAM" would be e.g.
+the CPU/GPU number if required.
+The format of each reply (unless stated otherwise) is a STATUS section
+followed by an optional detail section
+The STATUS section is:
+ STATUS=X,Code=N,Msg=string,Description=string|
+  STATUS=X Where X is one of:
+   W - Warning
+   I - Informational
+   S - Success
+   E - Error
+   F - Fatal (code bug)
+  Code=N
+   Each unique reply has a unigue Code (See api.c - #define MSG_NNNNNN)
+  Msg=string
+   Message matching the Code value N
+  Description=string
+   This defaults to the cgminer version but is the value of --api-description
+   if it was specified at runtime.
+The list of requests and replies are:
+ Request       Reply Section  Details
+ -------       -------------  -------
+ version       VERSION        CGMiner=cgminer version
+                              API=API version
+ summary       SUMMARY        The status summary of the miner
+                              e.g. Elapsed=NNN,Found Blocks=N,Getworks=N,...|
+ pools         POOLS          The status of each pool
+                              e.g. Pool=0,URL=,Status=Alive,...|
+ devs          DEVS           Each available CPU and GPU with their details
+                              e.g. GPU=0,Accepted=NN,MHS av=NNN,...,Intensity=D|
+ gpu|N         GPU            The details of a single GPU number N in the same
+                              format and details as for DEVS
+ cpu|N         CPU            The details of a single CPU number N in the same
+                              format and details as for DEVS
+ gpucount      GPUS           Count=N| <- the number of GPUs
+ cpucount      CPUS           Count=N| <- the number of CPUs
+ gpuenable|N   none           There is no reply section just the STATUS section
+                              stating the results of the enable request
+ gpudisable|N  none           There is no reply section just the STATUS section
+                              stating the results of the disable request
+ gpurestart|N  none           There is no reply section just the STATUS section
+                              stating the results of the restart request
+ quit          none           There is no status section but just a single "BYE|"
+                              reply before cgminer quits
+When you enable, disable or restart a GPU, you will also get Thread messages in
+the cgminer status window
+Obviously, the JSON format is simply just the names as given before the '='
+with the values after the '='
+If you enable cgminer debug (-D or --debug) you will also get messages showing
+details of the requests received and the replies
+There are included 4 program examples for accessing the API:
+api-example.php - a php script to access the API
+  usAge: php api-example.php command
+ by default it sends a 'summary' request to the miner at
+ If you specify a command it will send that request instead
+ You must modify the line "$socket = getsock('', 4028);" at the
+ beginning of "function request($cmd)" to change where it looks for cgminer
+ a java program to access the API (with source code)
+  usAge is: java API command address port
+ Any missing or blank parameters are replaced as if you entered:
+  java API summary 4028
+api-example.c - a 'C' program to access the API (with source code)
+  usAge: api-example [command [ip/host [port]]]
+ again, as above, missing or blank parameters are replaced as if you entered:
+  api-example summary 4028
+miner.php - an example web page to access the API
+ This includes buttons to enable, disable and restart the GPUs and also to
+ quit cgminer
+ You must modify the 2 lines near the top to change where it looks for cgminer
+  $miner = ''; # hostname or IP address
+  $port = 4028;
 Q: cgminer segfaults when I change my shell window size.
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index cd77751..fab46ef 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ static struct opt_table opt_config_table[] = {
 		     set_api_description, NULL, NULL,
-		     "Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer"),
+		     "Description placed in the API status header, default: cgminer version"),
 			opt_set_bool, &opt_api_listen,
 			"Enable API, default: disabled"),