

Author Commit Date CI Message
Kano 60ab93df 2014-02-27T10:36:51 minion - clean up statline
Con Kolivas 257fe00a 2014-02-18T22:19:45 Move driver statline padding to cgminer.c, expanding width of maximum displayable statistics and window width to add more info.
Kano efb4fbf3 2014-01-27T13:40:26 Minion - check/clear interrupts for all chips
Kano ad24c2a2 2014-01-03T08:08:18 Minion set some core defaults similar to final requirements
Kano ee9e6185 2013-12-31T15:29:52 minion compile warnings
Kano a2778f38 2013-12-31T15:09:47 move driver-minion.c to main directory