

Author Commit Date CI Message
Luke Dashjr d4af2d05 2012-07-06T02:39:32 Turn work_restart array into a bool in thr_info
Luke Dashjr d8ef2806 2012-04-21T20:00:05 work_restart should only be changed by cgminer.c now
Luke Dashjr e131dfab 2012-03-13T12:18:23 Unify drivers as driver-*.c and add driver name to API
zefir 713e8be6 2012-02-04T14:22:47 move CPU chipset specific optimization into device-cpu
ckolivas 9eb3ac42 2012-01-18T09:42:57 Merge branch 'device_refactor' of into fpga
Luke Dashjr b9d197de 2012-01-17T16:29:01 Refactor the CPU scanhash_* functions to use a common API. Fixes bugs. - Before, some returned bool, and others returned int (which was then turned into a bool with a comparison); now, everything returns a bool - Before, some set hashes_done to nonce - 1 when a share was found and others set it to nonce + 1 or 2. This caused some algorithms to scan/submit shares twice with the new cpu_scanhash function. Now, it has all been replaced with last_nonce, which is set to the final nonce checked by the scanhash_* func. - VIA needs the full data, and cannot use midstate. All the others were expecting midstate and data+64 for their parameters. Now, we pass midstate and the full data pointer, and let the scanhash_* function choose which to use.
ckolivas d356f44d 2012-01-11T11:12:13 Micro-optimisation in sha256_sse2 code courtesy of Guido Ascioti
Con Kolivas 7dc3db23 2011-08-25T11:19:40 Implement SSE2 32 bit assembly algorithm as well.