

Author Commit Date CI Message
Con Kolivas e8a75100 2014-03-10T13:02:29 Look for autovoltage returning to zero on cta driver and reset stats at that point since the hashrate is unreliable till then.
Con Kolivas 5c271efa 2014-03-01T16:43:32 Make the cointerra displayed hashrate based on valid share generation.
Con Kolivas c13e620a 2014-03-01T14:31:47 Convert and update values shown in the cointerra api output.
Con Kolivas 6afe3087 2014-02-15T17:36:08 Updated cointerra features.
Con Kolivas 5cda70e7 2014-02-14T08:09:17 Update various copyright dates
Con Kolivas 69d67af1 2014-02-12T20:46:44 Add driver for cointerra devices.