

Author Commit Date CI Message
Con Kolivas c1ff90a7 2013-04-18T15:07:32 Do testing for HW errors on submit nonce for both scrypt and sha.
Con Kolivas a6250fbb 2013-04-18T12:26:32 Rename scrypt regenhash function for consistency.
ckolivas 68f9af28 2012-10-17T09:35:29 Get rid of unused warning for !scrypt.
Con Kolivas 7adb7a30 2012-10-15T23:10:24 Display correct share hash and share difficulty with scrypt mining.
Con Kolivas dc8ef0c7 2012-08-15T09:06:23 Fix harmless unused warnings in scrypt.h.
Con Kolivas e49bd981 2012-08-07T19:56:43 Use the scrypt CPU code to confirm results from OCL code, and mark failures as HW errors, making it easier to tune scrypt parameters.