• This is a multi-threaded multi-pool CPU and GPU miner for bitcoin and
    derivative coins.
    Support thread:
    IRC Channel:
    License: GPLv2.  See COPYING for details.
    	libcurl			http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/
    	libncurses5-dev (or libpdcurses on WIN32)
    	pkg-config		http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config
    	jansson			http://www.digip.org/jansson/
    	(jansson is included in-tree and not necessary)
    Basic *nix build instructions:
    	To build with GPU mining support:
    	Install AMD APP sdk, latest version - there is no official place to
    	install it so just keep track of where it is if you're not installing
    	the include files and library files into the system directory.
    	(Do NOT install the ati amd sdk if you are on nvidia)
    The easiest way to install the ATI AMD SPP sdk on linux is to actually put it
    into a system location. Then building will be simpler. Download the correct
    version for either 32 bit or 64 bit from here:
    This will give you a file with a name like AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz
    sudo su
    cd /opt
    tar xf /path/to/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64.tgz
    cd /
    tar xf /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/icd-registration.tgz
    ln -s /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/include/CL /usr/include
    ln -s /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
    If you are on 32 bit, x86_64 in the 2nd last line should be x86
    	To actually build:
    	./autogen.sh	# only needed if building from git repo
    	CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native" ./configure
    	or if you haven't installed the ati files in system locations:
    	CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native -I<path to AMD APP include>" LDFLAGS="-L<path to AMD APP lib/x86_64> ./configure
    	If it finds the opencl files it will inform you with
    	"OpenCL: FOUND. GPU mining support enabled."
    Basic WIN32 build instructions (on Fedora 13; requires mingw32):
    	./autogen.sh	# only needed if building from git repo
    	rm -f mingw32-config.cache
    	MINGW32_CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -msse2" mingw32-configure
    Native WIN32 build instructions (on mingw32, on windows):
    	Install the Microsoft platform SDK
    	Install AMD APP sdk, latest version (only if you want GPU mining)
    	(Do NOT install the ati amd sdk if you are on nvidia)
    	Install mingw32
    	Install libcurl, copy libcurl.m4 into /mingw/share/aclocal
    	Install pkg-config, copy pkg.m4 into /mingw/share/aclocal
    	autoreconf -fvi
    	CFLAGS="-O2 -msse2" ./configure
    Usage instructions:  Run "cgminer --help" to see options.
    Single pool, regular desktop:
    cgminer -o http://pool:port -u username -p password
    Single pool, dedicated miner:
    cgminer -o http://pool:port -u username -p password -I 8
    Multiple pool, dedicated miner:
    cgminer -o http://pool1:port -u pool1username -p pool1password -o http://pool2:port -u pool2usernmae -p pool2password -I 8
    The following options are available while running with a single keypress:
    [P]ool management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
    P gives you:
    Current pool management strategy: Failover
    [A]dd pool [R]emove pool [D]isable pool [E]nable pool
    [C]hange management strategy [S]witch pool [I]nformation
    S gives you:
    [D]ynamic mode: On
    [L]ongpoll: On
    [I]ntensity: Dynamic
    [Q]ueue: 0
    [S]cantime: 60
    [R]etries: -1
    [P]ause: 5
    D gives you:
    Toggle: [D]ebug [N]ormal [S]ilent [V]erbose [R]PC debug
    [L]og interval [C]lear
    and Q quits the application.
    Also many issues and FAQs are covered in the forum thread
    dedicated to this program,
    The output line shows the following:
    [(5s):204.4  (avg):203.1 Mh/s] [Q:56  A:51  R:4  HW:0  E:91%  U:2.47/m]
    Each column is as follows:
    A 5 second exponentially decaying average hash rate
    An all time average hash rate
    The number of requested work items
    The number of accepted shares
    The number of rejected shares
    The number of hardware erorrs
    The efficiency defined as the accepted shares / requested work
    The utility defines as the number of shares / minute
    The cgminer status line shows:
     TQ: 1  ST: 1  SS: 0  DW: 0  NB: 1  LW: 8  LO: 1  RF: 1  I: 2
    TQ is Total Queued work items.
    ST is STaged work items (ready to use).
    SS is Stale Shares discarded (detected and not submitted so don't count as rejects)
    DW is Discarded Work items (work from block no longer valid to work on)
    NB is New Blocks detected on the network
    LW is Locally generated Work items (during slow server providing work)
    LO is Local generation Occasions (server slow to provide work)
    RF is Remote Fail occasions (server slow to accept work)
    I is current Intensity (changes in dynamic mode).
    NOTE: Running intensities above 9 with current hardware is likely to only
    diminish return performance even if the hash rate might appear better. A good
    starting baseline intensity to try on dedicated miners is 8. Higher values are
    there to cope with future improvements in hardware.
    A number of different strategies for dealing with multipool setups are
    available. Each has their advantages and disadvantages so multiple strategies
    are available by user choice, as per the following list:
    The default strategy is failover. This means that if you input a number of
    pools, it will try to use them as a priority list, moving away from the 1st
    to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd and so on. If any of the earlier pools recover, it will
    move back to the higher priority ones.
    This strategy only moves from one pool to the next when the current one falls
    idle and makes no attempt to move otherwise.
    This strategy moves at user-defined intervals from one active pool to the next,
    skipping pools that are idle.
    This strategy sends work in equal amounts to all the pools specified. If any
    pool falls idle, the rest will take up the slack keeping the miner busy.
    cgminer will log to stderr if it detects stderr is being redirected to a file.
    To enable logging simply add 2>logfile.txt to your command line and logfile.txt
    will contain the logged output at the log level you specify (normal, verbose,
    debug etc.)
    In other words if you would normally use:
    ./cgminer -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz
    if you use
    ./cgminer -o xxx -u yyy -p zzz 2>logfile.txt
    it will log to a file called logfile.txt and otherwise work the same.
    There is also the -m option on linux which will spawn a command of your choice
    and pipe the output directly to that command.
    Q: cgminer segfaults when I change my shell window size.
    A: Older versions of libncurses have a bug to do with refreshing a window
    after a size change. Upgrading to a new version of curses will fix it.
    Q: Can I mine on servers from different networks (eg smartcoin and bitcoin) at
    the same time?
    A: No, cgminer keeps a database of the block it's working on to ensure it does
    not work on stale blocks, and having different blocks from two networks would
    make it invalidate the work from each other.
    Q: Can I change the settings individually for each GPU?
    A: Not currently.
    Q: Can I put multiple pools in the json config file?
    A: Not currently, but you can use multiple config files and specify each with
    successive -c. e.g.: cgminer -c cfg1.json -c cfg2.json
    Q: The build fails with gcc is unable to build a binary.
    A: Remove the "-march=native" component of your CFLAGS as your version of gcc
    does not support it.
    Q: The CPU usage is high.
    A: If you're on linux, the ATI drivers after 11.6 have a bug that makes them
    consume 100% of one CPU core unnecessarily so downgrade to 11.6. If you're on
    windows, you may be out of luck because the pthread library used consumes a
    lot of CPU.
    Q: Can you implement feature X?
    A: I can, but time is limited, and people who donate are more likely to get
    their feature requests implemented.
    Q: My GPU hangs and I have to reboot it to get it going again?
    A: The more aggressively the mining software uses your GPU, the less overclock
    you will be able to run. You are more likely to hit your limits with cgminer
    and you will find you may need to overclock your GPU less aggressively. The
    software cannot be responsible and make your GPU hang directly.
    This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer in his spare
    time so donations would be greatly appreciated.
    Con Kolivas <kernel@kolivas.org>