

Author Commit Date CI Message
Stefan Sperling c5c77d29 2021-10-14T17:20:44 make got-build-regress.sh run tests a second time with GOT_TEST_PACK=1
Stefan Sperling 462c1b38 2021-06-23T13:13:49 got-build-regress.sh: add -R option to usage message
Stefan Sperling 905472e8 2021-06-23T10:57:17 got-build-regress.sh: support running tests with a non-default test root dir
Stefan Sperling 9c1dd3ec 2021-06-23T10:44:36 update defalt branch name in got-build-regress.sh
Stefan Sperling e6db6399 2020-09-20T10:11:56 allow overriding the From: header in mail sent by got-build-regress.sh
Stefan Sperling bc90a07f 2020-05-05T16:12:00 actually run release mode builds at the end of got-build-regress.sh
Stefan Sperling 18f89b62 2020-04-14T18:23:06 add script which runs build and regress and sends failure reports via email
Stefan Sperling 0857e5e4 2018-04-01T13:48:45 add a script which decompresses a git object I will never remember which command to use and how to get it...