


Author Commit Date CI Message
Stefan Sperling 8704c7ce 2021-03-10T22:49:21 add a simple deltify test
Stefan Sperling 82ebf666 2020-03-18T16:10:34 tweak parse_uri() function, declare it as public API, and add a test for it
Stefan Sperling 7d405766 2019-07-30T15:01:59 retire C tests which depended on Got's own Git repository to run
Stefan Sperling 1c11b35c 2019-01-12T19:48:12 add a test for got_compare_paths()
Stefan Sperling 25a58941 2019-01-08T23:56:48 remove the pathset abstraction again; replaced by RB tree
Stefan Sperling aaa0878e 2019-01-08T19:44:25 add got_pathset API which manages a tree of paths
Stefan Sperling 0e673013 2019-01-02T15:42:46 add a command line test suite with a simple 'got checkout' test
Stefan Sperling 079b2f65 2018-09-08T16:56:10 add a Makefile hierarchy which builds the whole show