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  • Hash : 2cb49fa8
    Author : Stefan Sperling
    Date : 2019-05-10T19:41:58

    revert eb73a30f7effc51c1cfee2864102635e3659f87a Not waiting for children can make us blow the fork() ulimit with lingering zombies; the Ctrl-C issue will need some other fix.


  • Got is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and
    simplicity over flexibility. It is being developed exlusively on
    OpenBSD and most likely won't compile on other operating systems.
    To compile the Got tool suite on OpenBSD, run:
     $ make obj
     $ make
     $ mkdir ~/bin
     $ make install
    This will install the following commands to ~/bin:
     got (command line interface)
     tog (ncurses interface)
     and several helper programs from the libexec directory
    Tests will pass only after 'make install' because they rely on installed
    binaries in $PATH. Tests in the cmdline directory currently depend on git(1).
     $ doas pkg_add git
     $ make regress
    Man pages are not installed yet but can be viewed with mandoc:
     $ mandoc got/got.1 | less
     $ mandoc got/git-repository.5 | less
     $ mandoc got/got-worktree.5 | less
     $ mandoc tog/tog.1 | less