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  • Hash : c08369d7
    Author : Tracey Emery
    Date : 2020-01-15T23:08:12

    remove log counting, add to TODO


  • Game of Trees Web (Gotweb) is a read-only web front-end for Got.
    Gotweb is still under development; it is being developed exclusively
    on OpenBSD and its target audience are OpenBSD developers. Gotweb is
    ISC-licensed and was designed with pledge(2) and unveil(2) in mind.
    Gotweb uses bare Git repositories to read versioned data and is designed to
    work with httpd(8).
    To compile the Gotweb tool suite on OpenBSD, run:
     $ make web
     # make web-install
    This will install Gotweb and all the required files to /var/www by default.
    Man page files in the Gotweb source tree can be viewed with 'man -l':
     $ man -l gotweb/gotweb.conf.5
    Example configuration for httpd.conf:
    ext_if = "*"
    types { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" }
    server "localhost" {
    	listen on $ext_if port 80
    	root "/htdocs/gotweb"
    	location "/cgi-bin/*" {
    		root "/"
    	location "/*" {
    		directory index "index.html"
    Guidelines for submitting patches:
    Mail patches to: gameoftrees@openbsd.org
    Pull requests via any Git hosting sites will likely be overlooked.
    Please keep the intended target audience in mind when contributing to Gotweb.
    Subscribing to the gameoftrees@openbsd.org mailing list:
    The mailing list is used for patch reviews, bug reports, and user questions.
    To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@openbsd.org with a message body of:
    subscribe gameoftrees
    See https://www.openbsd.org/mail.html for more information.