Commit 19a766a201b9eb8bce7e5b097bf44e78385d0069

Sascha Cunz 2012-12-18T19:32:31

Collect configuration options at the top of the file - Also document the -DSTDCALL even better.

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 6287879..f39a1d0 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,33 @@
 PROJECT(libgit2 C)
+# Build options
+OPTION( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS	"Build Shared Library (OFF for Static)"	ON  )
+OPTION( THREADSAFE			"Build libgit2 as threadsafe"			OFF )
+OPTION( BUILD_CLAR			"Build Tests using the Clar suite"		ON  )
+OPTION( BUILD_EXAMPLES		"Build library usage example apps"		OFF )
+OPTION( TAGS				"Generate tags"							OFF )
+OPTION( PROFILE				"Generate profiling information"		OFF )
+	# This option is only availalbe when building with MSVC. By default, libgit2 is
+	# build using the stdcall calling convention, as that's what the CLR expects by
+	# default and how the Windows API is built.
+	#
+	# If you are writing a C or C++ program and want to link to libgit2, you have to
+	# either:
+	# - Add /Gz to the compiler options of _your_ program / library.
+	# - Turn this option off by invoking CMake with the "-DSTDCALL=Off" argument.
+	#
+	OPTION( STDCALL			"Build libgit2 with the __stdcall convention"	ON  )
+# Installation paths
+SET(BIN_INSTALL_DIR bin CACHE PATH "Where to install binaries to.")
+SET(LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib CACHE PATH "Where to install libraries to.")
+SET(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR include CACHE PATH "Where to install headers to.")
 FILE(STRINGS "include/git2/version.h" GIT2_HEADER REGEX "^#define LIBGIT2_VERSION \"[^\"]*\"$")
@@ -71,23 +98,8 @@ ELSE()
 	FILE(GLOB SRC_ZLIB deps/zlib/*.c)
-# Installation paths
-SET(BIN_INSTALL_DIR bin CACHE PATH "Where to install binaries to.")
-SET(LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib CACHE PATH "Where to install libraries to.")
-SET(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR include CACHE PATH "Where to install headers to.")
-# Build options
-OPTION (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build Shared Library (OFF for Static)" ON)
-OPTION (THREADSAFE "Build libgit2 as threadsafe" OFF)
-OPTION (BUILD_CLAR "Build Tests using the Clar suite" ON)
-OPTION (BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build library usage example apps" OFF)
-OPTION (TAGS "Generate tags" OFF)
-OPTION (PROFILE "Generate profiling information" OFF)
 # Platform specific compilation flags
-	# Default to stdcall, as that's what the CLR expects and how the Windows API is built
-	OPTION (STDCALL "Buildl libgit2 with the __stdcall convention" ON)