Commit 2532c903439d3116833146a89221c91a0023c3fe

Ben Straub 2013-02-05T15:01:30

Initial blame API

diff --git a/include/git2.h b/include/git2.h
index 5f9fc48..0623a77 100644
--- a/include/git2.h
+++ b/include/git2.h
@@ -56,5 +56,6 @@
 #include "git2/message.h"
 #include "git2/pack.h"
 #include "git2/stash.h"
+#include "git2/blame.h"
diff --git a/include/git2/blame.h b/include/git2/blame.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8718067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/git2/blame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
+ * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
+ */
+#ifndef INCLUDE_git_blame_h__
+#define INCLUDE_git_blame_h__
+#include "common.h"
+#include "oid.h"
+ * @file git2/blame.h
+ * @brief Git blame routines
+ * @defgroup git_blame Git blame routines
+ * @ingroup Git
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Flags for indicating option behavior for git_blame APIs.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+	/** Normal blame, the default */
+	/** Track lines that have moved within a file (like `git blame -M`) */
+	/** Track lines that have moved across files in the same commit (like `git blame -C`) */
+	/** Track lines that have been copied from another file that exists in the
+	 * same commit (like `git blame -CC`) */
+	/** Track lines that have been copied from another file that exists in *any*
+	 * commit (like `git blame -CCC`) */
+} git_blame_flag_t;
+ * Blame options structure
+ *
+ * Use zeros to indicate default settings.  It's easiest to use the
+ *     git_blame_options opts = GIT_BLAME_OPTIONS_INIT;
+ *
+ * - `flags` is a combination fo teh `git_blame_flag_t` values above.
+ * - `min_match_characters` is the lower bound on the number of alphanumeric
+ *   characters that must be detected as moving/copying within a file for it to
+ *   associate those lines with the parent commit. The default value is 20.
+ *   This value only takes effect if any of the `GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_*`
+ *   flags are specified.
+ * - `newest_commitish` is a rev-parse spec that resolves to the most recent
+ *   commit to consider.  The default is HEAD.
+ * - `oldest_commitish` is a rev-parse spec that resolves to the oldest commit
+ *   to consider.  The default is the first commit encountered with a NULL
+ *   parent.
+ *	- `min_line` is the first line in the file to blame.  The default is 1 (line
+ *	  numbers start with 1).
+ *	- `max_line` is the last line in the file to blame.  The default is the last
+ *	  line of the file.
+ */
+typedef struct git_blame_options {
+	unsigned int version;
+	uint32_t flags;
+	uint16_t min_match_characters;
+	const char *newest_commitish;
+	const char *oldest_commitish;
+	uint32_t min_line;
+	uint32_t max_line;
+} git_blame_options;
+ * Structure that represents a blame hunk.
+ *
+ * - `lines_in_hunk` is the number of lines in this hunk
+ * - `final_commit_id` is the OID of the commit where this line was last
+ *   changed.
+ * - `final_start_line_number` is the 1-based line number where this hunk
+ *   begins, in the final version of the file
+ * - `orig_commit_id` is the OID of the commit where this hunk was found.  This
+ *   will usually be the same as `final_commit_id`, except when
+ *   `GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_ANY_COMMIT_COPIES` has been specified.
+ * - `orig_path` is the path to the file where this hunk originated, as of the
+ *   commit specified by `orig_commit_id`.
+ * - `orig_start_line_number` is the 1-based line number where this hunk begins
+ *   in the file named by `orig_path` in the commit specified by
+ *   `orig_commit_id`.
+ */
+typedef struct git_blame_hunk {
+	uint16_t lines_in_hunk;
+	git_oid final_commit_id;
+	uint16_t final_start_line_number;
+	git_oid orig_commit_id;
+	const char *orig_path;
+	uint16_t orig_start_line_number;
+} git_blame_hunk;
+ * Results structure for git_blame.
+ *
+ * - `hunks` is an array of hunks.
+ * - `hunk_count` is the number of hunk structures in `hunks`.
+ */
+typedef struct git_blame_results {
+	const git_blame_hunk * const hunks;
+	uint32_t hunk_count;
+} git_blame_results;
+ * Get the blame for a single file.
+ *
+ * @param out pointer that will receive the results object
+ * @param path path to file to consider
+ * @param options options for the blame operation.  If NULL, this is treated as
+ *                though GIT_BLAME_OPTIONS_INIT were passed.
+ * @return 0 on success, or an error code. (use giterr_last for information
+ *         about the error.)
+ */
+GIT_EXTERN(int) git_blame_file(
+		git_blame_results **out,
+		const char *path,
+		git_blame_options *options);
+ * Free memory allocated by git_blame.
+ *
+ * @param results results structure to free
+ */
+GIT_EXTERN(void) git_blame_free(git_blame_results *results);
+/** @} */