Commit 29afb2579b36ed25f51f89534d3f474dcb3ddeb2

Etienne Samson 2018-03-22T23:27:30

docs: fix incorrect codeblock on output

diff --git a/include/git2/sys/mempack.h b/include/git2/sys/mempack.h
index 490636b..63fb38d 100644
--- a/include/git2/sys/mempack.h
+++ b/include/git2/sys/mempack.h
@@ -23,61 +23,61 @@
- *	Instantiate a new mempack backend.
+ * Instantiate a new mempack backend.
- *	The backend must be added to an existing ODB with the highest
- *	priority.
+ * The backend must be added to an existing ODB with the highest
+ * priority.
- *		git_mempack_new(&mempacker);
- *		git_repository_odb(&odb, repository);
- *		git_odb_add_backend(odb, mempacker, 999);
+ *     git_mempack_new(&mempacker);
+ *     git_repository_odb(&odb, repository);
+ *     git_odb_add_backend(odb, mempacker, 999);
- *	Once the backend has been loaded, all writes to the ODB will
- *	instead be queued in memory, and can be finalized with
- *	`git_mempack_dump`.
+ * Once the backend has been loaded, all writes to the ODB will
+ * instead be queued in memory, and can be finalized with
+ * `git_mempack_dump`.
- *	Subsequent reads will also be served from the in-memory store
- *	to ensure consistency, until the memory store is dumped.
+ * Subsequent reads will also be served from the in-memory store
+ * to ensure consistency, until the memory store is dumped.
- *	@param out Pointer where to store the ODB backend
- *	@return 0 on success; error code otherwise
+ * @param out Pointer where to store the ODB backend
+ * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise
 GIT_EXTERN(int) git_mempack_new(git_odb_backend **out);
- *	Dump all the queued in-memory writes to a packfile.
+ * Dump all the queued in-memory writes to a packfile.
- *	The contents of the packfile will be stored in the given buffer.
- *	It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the generated
- *	packfile is available to the repository (e.g. by writing it
- *	to disk, or doing something crazy like distributing it across
- *	several copies of the repository over a network).
+ * The contents of the packfile will be stored in the given buffer.
+ * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the generated
+ * packfile is available to the repository (e.g. by writing it
+ * to disk, or doing something crazy like distributing it across
+ * several copies of the repository over a network).
- *	Once the generated packfile is available to the repository,
- *	call `git_mempack_reset` to cleanup the memory store.
+ * Once the generated packfile is available to the repository,
+ * call `git_mempack_reset` to cleanup the memory store.
- *	Calling `git_mempack_reset` before the packfile has been
- *	written to disk will result in an inconsistent repository
- *	(the objects in the memory store won't be accessible).
+ * Calling `git_mempack_reset` before the packfile has been
+ * written to disk will result in an inconsistent repository
+ * (the objects in the memory store won't be accessible).
- *	@param pack Buffer where to store the raw packfile
- *	@param repo The active repository where the backend is loaded
- *	@param backend The mempack backend
- *	@return 0 on success; error code otherwise
+ * @param pack Buffer where to store the raw packfile
+ * @param repo The active repository where the backend is loaded
+ * @param backend The mempack backend
+ * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise
 GIT_EXTERN(int) git_mempack_dump(git_buf *pack, git_repository *repo, git_odb_backend *backend);
- *	Reset the memory packer by clearing all the queued objects.
+ * Reset the memory packer by clearing all the queued objects.
- *	This assumes that `git_mempack_dump` has been called before to
- *	store all the queued objects into a single packfile.
+ * This assumes that `git_mempack_dump` has been called before to
+ * store all the queued objects into a single packfile.
- *	Alternatively, call `reset` without a previous dump to "undo"
- *	all the recently written objects, giving transaction-like
- *	semantics to the Git repository.
+ * Alternatively, call `reset` without a previous dump to "undo"
+ * all the recently written objects, giving transaction-like
+ * semantics to the Git repository.
- *	@param backend The mempack backend
+ * @param backend The mempack backend
 GIT_EXTERN(void) git_mempack_reset(git_odb_backend *backend);