Commit 2ef582b45745c68165c2e50ef39dcf1932103ee2

Ben Straub 2012-03-28T22:15:23

t07_hashtable.c ported.

diff --git a/tests-clar/hash/table.c b/tests-clar/hash/table.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69d386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-clar/hash/table.c
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#include "clar_libgit2.h"
+#include "hashtable.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+// Helpers
+typedef struct _aux_object {
+   int __bulk;
+   git_oid id;
+   int visited;
+} table_item;
+static uint32_t hash_func(const void *key, int hash_id)
+   uint32_t r;
+   const git_oid *id = (const git_oid *)key;
+   memcpy(&r, id->id + (hash_id * sizeof(uint32_t)), sizeof(r));
+   return r;
+static int hash_cmpkey(const void *a, const void *b)
+   return git_oid_cmp((const git_oid*)a, (const git_oid*)b);
+void test_hash_table__new(void)
+   // create a new hashtable
+   git_hashtable *table = NULL;
+   table = git_hashtable_alloc(55, hash_func, hash_cmpkey);
+   cl_assert(table != NULL);
+   cl_assert(table->size_mask + 1 == 64);
+   git_hashtable_free(table);
+void test_hash_table__fill(void)
+   // fill the hashtable with random entries
+   const int objects_n = 32;
+   int i;
+   table_item *objects;
+   git_hashtable *table = NULL;
+   table = git_hashtable_alloc(objects_n * 2, hash_func, hash_cmpkey);
+   cl_assert(table != NULL);
+   objects = (table_item *)git__malloc(objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   memset(objects, 0x0, objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   /* populate the hash table */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i) {
+      git_hash_buf(&(objects[i].id), &i, sizeof(int));
+      cl_git_pass(git_hashtable_insert(table, &(objects[i].id), &(objects[i])));
+   }
+   /* make sure all the inserted objects can be found */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i) {
+      git_oid id;
+      table_item *ob;
+      git_hash_buf(&id, &i, sizeof(int));
+      ob = (table_item *)git_hashtable_lookup(table, &id);
+      cl_assert(ob != NULL);
+      cl_assert(ob == &(objects[i]));
+   }
+   /* make sure we cannot find inexisting objects */
+   for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
+      int hash_id;
+      git_oid id;
+      hash_id = (rand() % 50000) + objects_n;
+      git_hash_buf(&id, &hash_id, sizeof(int));
+      cl_assert(git_hashtable_lookup(table, &id) == NULL);
+   }
+   git_hashtable_free(table);
+   git__free(objects);
+void test_hash_table__resize(void)
+   // make sure the table resizes automatically
+   const int objects_n = 64;
+   int i;
+   unsigned int old_size;
+   table_item *objects;
+   git_hashtable *table = NULL;
+   table = git_hashtable_alloc(objects_n, hash_func, hash_cmpkey);
+   cl_assert(table != NULL);
+   objects = (table_item*)git__malloc(objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   memset(objects, 0x0, objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   old_size = table->size_mask + 1;
+   /* populate the hash table -- should be automatically resized */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i) {
+      git_hash_buf(&(objects[i].id), &i, sizeof(int));
+      cl_git_pass(git_hashtable_insert(table, &(objects[i].id), &(objects[i])));
+   }
+   cl_assert(table->size_mask > old_size);
+   /* make sure all the inserted objects can be found */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i) {
+      git_oid id;
+      table_item *ob;
+      git_hash_buf(&id, &i, sizeof(int));
+      ob = (table_item *)git_hashtable_lookup(table, &id);
+      cl_assert(ob != NULL);
+      cl_assert(ob == &(objects[i]));
+   }
+   git_hashtable_free(table);
+   git__free(objects);
+void test_hash_table__iterate(void)
+   // iterate through all the contents of the table
+   const int objects_n = 32;
+   int i;
+   table_item *objects, *ob;
+   git_hashtable *table = NULL;
+   table = git_hashtable_alloc(objects_n * 2, hash_func, hash_cmpkey);
+   cl_assert(table != NULL);
+   objects = git__malloc(objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   memset(objects, 0x0, objects_n * sizeof(table_item));
+   /* populate the hash table */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i) {
+      git_hash_buf(&(objects[i].id), &i, sizeof(int));
+      cl_git_pass(git_hashtable_insert(table, &(objects[i].id), &(objects[i])));
+   }
+   GIT_HASHTABLE_FOREACH_VALUE(table, ob, ob->visited = 1);
+   /* make sure all nodes have been visited */
+   for (i = 0; i < objects_n; ++i)
+   {
+      cl_assert(objects[i].visited);
+   }
+   git_hashtable_free(table);
+   git__free(objects);