Commit 3fa8ec52042db1764bc4c17de77e424a27918e02

Tobias Nießen 2021-04-18T20:30:13

src: fix typos in header files

diff --git a/src/runtime.h b/src/runtime.h
index 2cbcafe..24ac58e 100644
--- a/src/runtime.h
+++ b/src/runtime.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int git_runtime_init_count(void);
  * such that there are no remaining `init` calls, then any
  * shutdown hooks that have been registered will be invoked.
- * The number of oustanding initializations will be returned.
+ * The number of outstanding initializations will be returned.
  * If this number is 0, then the runtime is shutdown.
  * @return The number of outstanding initializations (after this one) or an error
diff --git a/src/transports/httpclient.h b/src/transports/httpclient.h
index 2a83bee..6d0ef9e 100644
--- a/src/transports/httpclient.h
+++ b/src/transports/httpclient.h
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ extern int git_http_client_new(
  * Sends a request to the host specified by the request URL.  If the
- * method is POST, either the the content_length or the chunked flag must
+ * method is POST, either the content_length or the chunked flag must
  * be specified.  The body should be provided in subsequent calls to
  * git_http_client_send_body.