Commit ab545014a1d3cc1998d8582848693761587ade20

Patrick Steinhardt 2019-07-24T08:20:08

editorconfig: update to match our coding style Update editorconfig to match our coding style. Most importantly, we set up the tab width to be 8 characters instead of the default and use 2 spaces to indent YAML files.

diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index d4b4190..34c5e92 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 ; Check for more informations
-; Top-most EditorConfig file
 root = true
-; tab indentation
 indent_style = tab
+tab_width = 8
 trim_trailing_whitespace = true
 insert_final_newline = true
-; 4-column space indentation
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
 indent_style = space
 indent_size = 4