Commit b221755227c0a7155d83dc595e3902649fa0760b

Edward Thomson 2020-06-07T01:02:38

Revert .github/workflows/main.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d2a7e..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-name: Containerization
-  push:
-    branches: [ master, maint/* ]
-  pull_request:
-    branches: [ master, maint/* ]
-  foo:
-  # Build the docker container images that we will use for our Linux builds.  This will
-  # identify the last commit to the repository that updated the docker images, and try
-  # to download the image tagged with that sha.  If it does not exist, we'll do a docker
-  # build and push the image up to GitHub Packages for the actual CI/CD runs.  We tag
-  # with both the sha and "latest" so that the subsequent runs need not know the sha.
-#  build_containers:
-#    strategy:
-#      matrix:
-#        container:
-#        - { name: xenial, base: 'ubuntu:xenial' }
-#        - { name: bionic, base: 'ubuntu:bionic' }
-#    env:
-#      docker-config-path: azure-pipelines/docker
-#      docker-registry:
-#    name: Create docker image
-#    runs-on: ubuntu-latest    
-#    steps:
-#    - name: Check out repository
-#      uses: actions/checkout@v2
-#      with:
-#        fetch-depth: 0
-#    - name: Calculate image label
-#      run: |
-#        echo "::set-env name=docker-container::${{ github.repository }}/${{ }}"
-#        echo "::set-env name=docker-sha-tag::test4-$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h" -- ${{ env.docker-config-path }})"
-#    - name: Download existing image
-#      run: |
-#        docker login https://${{ env.docker-registry }} -u ${{ }} -p ${{ github.token }}
-#        echo "::set-env name=docker-container-exists::true"
-#        docker pull ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:${{ env.docker-sha-tag }} || echo "::set-env name=docker-container-exists::false"
-#    - name: Build and publish image
-#      run: |
-#        docker build -t ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:${{ env.docker-sha-tag }} --build-arg BASE=${{ matrix.container.base }} -f ${{ }} .
-#        docker tag ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:${{ env.docker-sha-tag }} ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:latest
-#        docker push ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:${{ env.docker-sha-tag }}
-#        docker push ${{ env.docker-registry }}/${{ env.docker-container }}:latest
-#      working-directory: ${{ env.docker-config-path }}
-#      if: env.docker-container-exists != 'true'
-  # Run our CI/CD builds.
-  build:
-#    needs: [build_containers]
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        platform:
-        -
-          os: ubuntu-latest
-          image: xenial
-          cc: gcc
-          cmake_generator: Ninja
-        - # macOS
-          os: macos-latest
-          pkg_config_path: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig
-          cmake_options: -DREGEX_BACKEND=regcomp_l -DDEPRECATE_HARD=ON -DUSE_LEAK_CHECKER=leaks -DUSE_GSSAPI=ON
-          skip_ssh_tests: true
-        - # Windows Visual Studio amd64
-          os: windows-latest
-          cmake_generator: Visual Studio 16 2019
-          cmake_options: -A Win32 -DMSVC_CRTDBG=ON -DDEPRECATE_HARD=ON -DUSE_SHA1=HTTPS
-          skip_ssh_tests: true
-          skip_negotiate_tests: true
-        - # Windows Visual Studio amd64
-          os: windows-latest
-          cmake_generator: Visual Studio 16 2019
-          cmake_options: -A x64 -DMSVC_CRTDBG=ON -DDEPRECATE_HARD=ON
-          skip_ssh_tests: true
-          skip_negotiate_tests: true
-      fail-fast: false
-    # Turn matrix variables into environment variables.
-    env:
-      CC: ${{ }}
-      CMAKE_GENERATOR: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake_generator }}
-      CMAKE_OPTIONS: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake_options }}
-      PKG_CONFIG_PATH: ${{ matrix.platform.pkg_config_path }}
-      SKIP_SSH_TESTS: ${{ matrix.platform.skip_ssh_tests }}
-      SKIP_NEGOTIATE_TESTS: ${{ matrix.platform.skip_negotiate_tests }}
-    name: Build
-    runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform.os }}
-    steps:
-    - name: Check out repository
-      uses: actions/checkout@v2
-    - run: |
-        env
-    - run: echo ${{ matrix.platform.os }} ${{matrix.platform.image}}
-    - name: Build and test
-      run: |
-        if [ -n "${{ matrix.platform.image }}" ]; then
-          docker_container="${{ github.repository }}/${{ matrix.platform.image }}:latest"
-          docker login https://${{ }} -u ${{ }} -p ${{ github.token }}
-          docker pull ${{ }}/${docker_container}
-          docker run -v /tmp/__home__:/home/libgit2 -v $(pwd):/home/libgit2/source -w /home/libgit2/source -e CC -e CMAKE_GENERATOR -e CMAKE_OPTIONS -e PKG_CONFIG_PATH -e SKIP_SSH_TESTS -e SKIP_NEGOTIATE_TESTS ${{ }}/${docker_container} /bin/bash -c "pwd && ls -Flas && mkdir build && cd build && ../azure-pipelines/ && ../azure-pipelines/"
-        else
-          mkdir build && cd build
-          ../azure-pipelines/
-          ../azure-pipelines/
-        fi
-      shell: bash