Commit c0290e27cc61b8110f1d5565ac4c1eb276217015

Edward Thomson 2019-06-23T23:52:52

filter: add a crlf blob test Add a LF->CRLF conversion test to the blob filter.

diff --git a/tests/filter/blob.c b/tests/filter/blob.c
index 22f3503..ff8ac1e 100644
--- a/tests/filter/blob.c
+++ b/tests/filter/blob.c
@@ -48,6 +48,34 @@ void test_filter_blob__all_crlf(void)
+void test_filter_blob__from_lf(void)
+	git_blob *blob;
+	git_buf buf = { 0 };
+	cl_git_pass(git_revparse_single(
+		(git_object **)&blob, g_repo, "799770d")); /* all-lf */
+	cl_assert_equal_s(ALL_LF_TEXT_RAW, git_blob_rawcontent(blob));
+	cl_git_pass(git_blob_filtered_content(&buf, blob, "file.bin", 1));
+	cl_assert_equal_s(ALL_LF_TEXT_RAW, buf.ptr);
+	cl_git_pass(git_blob_filtered_content(&buf, blob, "file.crlf", 1));
+	/* in this case, raw content has crlf in it already */
+	cl_assert_equal_s(ALL_LF_TEXT_AS_CRLF, buf.ptr);
+	cl_git_pass(git_blob_filtered_content(&buf, blob, "file.lf", 1));
+	/* we never convert CRLF -> LF on platforms that have LF */
+	cl_assert_equal_s(ALL_LF_TEXT_AS_LF, buf.ptr);
+	git_buf_dispose(&buf);
+	git_blob_free(blob);
 void test_filter_blob__sanitizes(void)
 	git_blob *blob;