Commit c1577110467b701dcbcf9439ac225ea851b47d22

Patrick Steinhardt 2018-07-05T13:30:46

delta: fix overflow when computing limit When checking whether a delta base offset and length fit into the base we have in memory already, we can trigger an overflow which breaks the check. This would subsequently result in us reading memory from out of bounds of the base. The issue is easily fixed by checking for overflow when adding `off` and `len`, thus guaranteeting that we are never indexing beyond `base_len`. This corresponds to the git patch 8960844a7 (check patch_delta bounds more carefully, 2006-04-07), which adds these overflow checks. Reported-by: Riccardo Schirone <>

diff --git a/src/delta.c b/src/delta.c
index 8676e7a..b9352b8 100644
--- a/src/delta.c
+++ b/src/delta.c
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ int git_delta_apply(
 		unsigned char cmd = *delta++;
 		if (cmd & 0x80) {
 			/* cmd is a copy instruction; copy from the base. */
-			size_t off = 0, len = 0;
+			size_t off = 0, len = 0, end;
 #define ADD_DELTA(o, shift) { if (delta < delta_end) (o) |= ((unsigned) *delta++ << shift); else goto fail; }
 			if (cmd & 0x01) ADD_DELTA(off, 0UL);
@@ -580,8 +580,10 @@ int git_delta_apply(
 			if (!len)       len = 0x10000;
 #undef ADD_DELTA
-			if (base_len < off + len || res_sz < len)
+			if (GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&end, off, len) ||
+			    base_len < end || res_sz < len)
 				goto fail;
 			memcpy(res_dp, base + off, len);
 			res_dp += len;
 			res_sz -= len;