Commit c86a65be4c86508a23f32f2b63fc6042b44f53e7

Carlos Martín Nieto 2016-03-21T21:10:26

config: don't special-case multivars that don't exist yet This special-casing ignores that we might have a locked file, so the hashtable does not represent the contents of the file we want to write. This causes multivar writes to overwrite entries instead of add to them when under lock. There is no need for this as the normal code-path will write to the file just fine, so simply get rid of it.

diff --git a/src/config_file.c b/src/config_file.c
index 65971b9..f49596c 100644
--- a/src/config_file.c
+++ b/src/config_file.c
@@ -553,30 +553,15 @@ static int config_set_multivar(
 	git_config_backend *cfg, const char *name, const char *regexp, const char *value)
 	diskfile_backend *b = (diskfile_backend *)cfg;
-	refcounted_strmap *map;
-	git_strmap *values;
 	char *key;
 	regex_t preg;
 	int result;
-	khiter_t pos;
 	if ((result = git_config__normalize_name(name, &key)) < 0)
 		return result;
-	map = refcounted_strmap_take(&b->header);
-	values = b->header.values->values;
-	pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(values, key);
-	if (!git_strmap_valid_index(values, pos)) {
-		/* If we don't have it, behave like a normal set */
-		result = config_set(cfg, name, value);
-		refcounted_strmap_free(map);
-		git__free(key);
-		return result;
-	}
 	result = regcomp(&preg, regexp, REG_EXTENDED);
 	if (result != 0) {
 		giterr_set_regex(&preg, result);
@@ -591,7 +576,6 @@ static int config_set_multivar(
 	result = config_refresh(cfg);
-	refcounted_strmap_free(map);
diff --git a/tests/config/multivar.c b/tests/config/multivar.c
index 0150089..d1b8c4c 100644
--- a/tests/config/multivar.c
+++ b/tests/config/multivar.c
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void test_config_multivar__add_new(void)
 	cl_git_pass(git_config_open_ondisk(&cfg, "config/config11"));
-	cl_git_pass(git_config_set_multivar(cfg, var, "", "variable"));
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_set_multivar(cfg, var, "$^", "variable"));
 	n = 0;
 	cl_git_pass(git_config_get_multivar_foreach(cfg, var, NULL, cb, &n));
 	cl_assert_equal_i(n, 1);