Commit f79c7322a9b5dff4769ed02f3ce987ce7061e012

Edward Thomson 2015-04-23T12:00:05

config: test overwriting cvar in multiple regions

diff --git a/tests/config/write.c b/tests/config/write.c
index 0e29704..5e4e7e1 100644
--- a/tests/config/write.c
+++ b/tests/config/write.c
@@ -145,6 +145,42 @@ void test_config_write__delete_value_with_duplicate_header(void)
+void test_config_write__overwrite_value_with_duplicate_header(void)
+	const char *file_name  = "config-duplicate-header";
+	const char *entry_name = "remote.origin.url";
+	git_config *cfg;
+	git_config_entry *entry;
+	/* This config can occur after removing and re-adding the origin remote */
+	const char *file_content =
+		"[remote \"origin\"]\n"		\
+		"[branch \"master\"]\n"		\
+		"	remote = \"origin\"\n"	\
+		"[remote \"origin\"]\n"		\
+		"	url = \"foo\"\n";
+	/* Write the test config and make sure the expected entry exists */
+	cl_git_mkfile(file_name, file_content);
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_open_ondisk(&cfg, file_name));
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_get_entry(&entry, cfg, entry_name));
+	/* Update that entry */
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_set_string(cfg, entry_name, "newurl"));
+	/* Reopen the file and make sure the entry was updated */
+	git_config_entry_free(entry);
+	git_config_free(cfg);
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_open_ondisk(&cfg, file_name));
+	cl_git_pass(git_config_get_entry(&entry, cfg, entry_name));
+	cl_assert_equal_s("newurl", entry->value);
+	/* Cleanup */
+	git_config_entry_free(entry);
+	git_config_free(cfg);
 void test_config_write__write_subsection(void)
 	git_config *cfg;