

Author Commit Date CI Message
Russell Belfer 1f35e89d 2012-09-11T12:03:33 Fix diff binary file detection In the process of adding tests for the max file size threshold (which treats files over a certain size as binary) there seem to be a number of problems in the new code with detecting binaries. This should fix those up, as well as add a test for the file size threshold stuff. Also, this un-deprecates `GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADD_EOFNL`, since I finally found a legitimate situation where it would be returned.
Russell Belfer f335ecd6 2012-08-30T14:24:16 Diff iterators This refactors the diff output code so that an iterator object can be used to traverse and generate the diffs, instead of just the `foreach()` style with callbacks. The code has been rearranged so that the two styles can still share most functions. This also replaces `GIT_REVWALKOVER` with `GIT_ITEROVER` and uses that as a common error code for marking the end of iteration when using a iterator style of object.