

Author Commit Date CI Message
Edward Thomson 2be53a5d 2022-07-07T23:13:23 v1.5: update version numbers
Edward Thomson ae74d5ac 2022-02-14T07:01:43 meta: update version number to v1.5.0-alpha Update the version number in main to v1.5.0-alpha. This helps people understand that the main builds are not part of the v1.4.0 release train. We use "alpha" to indicate builds out of main (or nightlies) as semver v2 requires the prerelease component is compared lexicographically. Thus, our "beta" and "rc" releases should follow.
Edward Thomson 5c949d1f 2022-02-13T10:06:15 v1.4: update version numbers
Edward Thomson e7437162 2021-09-22T08:35:02 v1.3: update version number
Edward Thomson c811fc36 2021-08-31T00:13:42 v1.2: update version information
Edward Thomson f10c8875 2020-10-11T23:04:08 Release v1.1
Suhaib Mujahid 3453c3b1 2020-05-11T05:14:35 Update package.json
Alexander Jung 5cd5f7bd 2018-04-22T12:03:40 Include clib's package reference. This PR introduces a new top-level file, `package.json`, which enables this repository compatibility with [`clib`](, an open source C package manager. By doing this, users of `clib` can quickly include the `libgit2` library within their project.