

Author Commit Date CI Message
Patrick Steinhardt 2e0f926e 2018-08-30T12:16:40 docs: clarify and include licenses of dependencies While our contribution guide tries to make clear the licenses that apply to libgit2, it does not make clear that different licenses apply to our bundled dependencies. Make this clear by listing each dependency together with the licenses that they are governed by. Furthermore, bundle the complete license texts next to the code they apply to.
Patrick Steinhardt 68a3c0b1 2018-03-22T09:20:43 docs: reorganize documents Our non-technical documents are currently floating around loosely in our project's root, making it harden than necessary to discover what one is searching for. We do have a "docs/" directory, though, which serves exactly that purpose of hosting documentation. Move our non-technical documentation into the "docs/" directory. Adjust all links to these documents.