

Author Commit Date CI Message
Ben Straub 784b3abb 2013-10-30T12:34:03 rev-list.c example: use common utils, reorganize
nulltoken 1fed6b07 2013-05-13T21:57:37 Fix trailing whitespaces
Vicent Marti 32ef1d1c 2013-04-16T00:17:40 Fix examples
Ben Straub 5961d5ea 2013-04-15T12:10:18 Clean up example code.
Ben Straub 299a224b 2013-04-15T12:00:04 Change git_revparse to output git_object pointers This will probably prevent many lookup/free operations in calling code.
Ben Straub 1aa21fe3 2013-04-09T05:03:51 Deprecate git_revparse_single and _rangelike
Greg Price 8f7f5e55 2013-03-31T14:56:32 examples: rev-list This demonstrates parts of the interface for specifying revisions that Git users are familiar with from 'git rev-list', 'git log', and other Git commands. A similar query interface is used in out-of-core command-line programs that browse a Git repo (like 'tig'), and may be useful for an 'advanced search' interface in GUI or web applications. In this version, we parse all the query modifiers we can support with the existing logic in revwalk: basic include/exclude commits, and the ordering flags. More logic will be required to support '--grep', '--author', the pickaxe '-S', etc. Signed-off-by: Greg Price <price@mit.edu>