

Author Commit Date CI Message
Edward Thomson c3fec456 2021-11-11T22:37:36 cmake: reformat modules Apply the standard project cmake formatting to the modules.
Edward Thomson 395b3dc4 2021-11-11T22:10:51 cmake: refactor global variables Update the global variables `LIBGIT2_OBJECTS` to `LIBGIT2_DEPENDENCY_OBJECTS` for clarity and consistency.
Patrick Steinhardt bc02bcd9 2020-04-03T19:51:22 cmake: move modules into the "cmake/" top level dir Our custom CMake module currently live in "cmake/Modules". As the "cmake/" directory doesn't contain anything except the "Modules" directory, it doesn't really make sense to have the additional intermediate directory. So let's instead move the modules one level up into the "cmake/" top level directory.