

Author Commit Date CI Message
Vicent Martí 54e4d0f2 2012-04-18T17:34:52 Merge pull request #629 from nulltoken/issue/index-refcount Index refcount issue
schu 3fa1ec4a 2012-04-15T19:02:05 tests-clar/repo: fix unused warning ifdef GIT_WIN32 helper unposix_path() to avoid unused-function warning on non-Windows systems. Signed-off-by: schu <schu-github@schulog.org>
nulltoken c1aefb35 2012-04-14T14:13:17 Fix git_repository_set_index() refcount issue git_repository_free() calls git_index_free() if the owned index is not null. According to the doc, when setting a new index through git_repository_set_index() the caller has still to take care of releasing the index by itself. In order to cope with this, this fix makes sure the index refcount is incremented when a new repository is being plugged a new index.
nulltoken fdd1149c 2012-04-14T13:46:13 Fix MSVC compilation warnings Removed unreferenced variables.
Russell Belfer 7784bcbb 2012-04-11T11:52:59 Refactor git_repository_open with new options Add a new command `git_repository_open_ext` with extended options that control how searching for a repository will be done. The existing `git_repository_open` and `git_repository_discover` are reimplemented on top of it. We may want to change the default behavior of `git_repository_open` but this commit does not do that. Improve support for "gitdir" files where the work dir is separate from the repo and support for the "separate-git-dir" config. Also, add support for opening repos created with `git-new-workdir` script (although I have only confirmed that they can be opened, not that all functions work correctly). There are also a few minor changes that came up: - Fix `git_path_prettify` to allow in-place prettifying. - Fix `git_path_root` to support backslashes on Win32. This fix should help many repo open/discover scenarios - it is the one function called when opening before prettifying the path. - Tweak `git_config_get_string` to set the "out" pointer to NULL if the config value is not found. Allows some other cleanup. - Fix a couple places that should have been calling `git_repository_config__weakptr` and were not. - Fix `cl_git_sandbox_init` clar helper to support bare repos.
Russell Belfer 1de77cd3 2012-04-11T12:10:14 Cannot set workdir to a nonexistent dir
nulltoken b78fb64d 2012-04-10T14:03:47 repository: make git_repository_set_workdir() prettify the path it is being passed
nulltoken 99abb79d 2012-02-03T12:45:43 repository: ensure that the path to the .git directory ends with a forward slash when opening a repository through a working directory path This fixes an issue which was detected while using one of the libgit2 bindings [0]. The lack of the trailing forward slash led the name of references returned by git_reference_listall() to be prefixed with a forward slash. [0]: https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp/pull/108
nulltoken 5663e61a 2012-01-25T16:44:21 repository: add minimal reinitialization of repository This currently only ensures that the version of the repository format isn't greater than zero.
nulltoken 9b84447a 2012-01-25T12:35:25 clay: migrate a test initializing a repository which path escapes the current working directory A non migrated yet test has been removed as well as it's mostly redundant.
Vicent Martí 3fd1520c 2012-01-24T20:35:15 Rename the Clay test suite to Clar Clay is the name of a programming language on the makings, and we want to avoid confusions. Sorry for the huge diff!