

Author Commit Date CI Message
Carlos Martín Nieto dc9e960f 2011-10-09T02:59:01 refspec: make the structure more complete Add a next pointer to make it a linked list and add the 'pattern' and 'matching' flags. Signed-off-by: Carlos Martín Nieto <>
Vicent Marti bb742ede 2011-09-19T01:54:32 Cleanup legal data 1. The license header is technically not valid if it doesn't have a copyright signature. 2. The COPYING file has been updated with the different licenses used in the project. 3. The full GPLv2 header in each file annoys me.
Carlos Martín Nieto 9c82357b 2011-06-17T18:13:14 Add a remotes API Signed-off-by: Carlos Martín Nieto <>